#16 He cheats on you for months while on tour

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Niall: Maybe you were just naive. Maybe you saw all the signs, but refused to believe them. Maybe there were many things you did wrong when it came to seeing the truth. Whatever it was, that was all gone now. All that refusal, all the naivety, all those missed signs, that was long gone now. "How long has this been going on? Don't say it was once! Don't lie to me!" You yelled at Niall, after being informed by someone else on the tour, that Niall had been sleeping with someone else the entire time. The person who informed you, was someone whom you trusted completely, and you could no longer deny what you knew was true. "[Y/N], it was nothing, it was just..." "Boredom?! Loneliness?! What is the excuse Niall?! Because I don't want to hear it! You can have her, because I'm gone." Niall wanted to fight for you, but knew this was his mistake. How could he ever make up for the months he'd hurt you behind your back. "I'm sorry."

Liam: You had no amount of fear over him being unfaithful. You truly did trust that Liam was yours, and yours only. That was why now, as you saw the proof right before you, you still couldn't believe it. "No, this is not Liam. He wouldn't. He loves me." You were staring at photos that showed you all you needed to know, but your mind refused to accept them. "It's photoshop, or it's another guy who looks like him. It's not Liam. It can't be!" Your friend, the one who'd shown you these pictures, was heartbroken as she replied to you, "They're saying it's been going on for months. She's been there a lot. There's other pictures of her on tour. Not of them like that, but she has been there." Tears rolled down your face, as you slowly began to accept this as true, "He's been cheating on me for months?" "Yeah, that's what I understand. I'm so, so sorry [Y/N]. You need to call him." You looked down at your phone, and saw a few missed calls from Liam, as well as many others, "I can't. Can you? Just tell him I don't want to see him. I can't." She grabbed your phone quickly, "Can I yell at him?" "I don't care," you cried, reality setting in more and more, "How could he do this to me?"

Zayn: He swore to you not to worry, that he loved you completely, and would never do that to you. You weren't crazy though, so of course you worried. You had every reason to. Over time though, that worry slowly went to the back of your mind. You wanted to fall totally in love with him, and that fear would only hold you back. That made this, you walking into his room to surprise him, only to see another girl in bed, so much harder to see. "HOW?! WHY?! YOU SWORE TO ME YOU WOULDN'T CHEAT ON ME!" Zayn's eyes filled with panic, as he looked between the two of you. She of course knew about you, but you had no idea who she was. "WELL?!" "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please, give me a chance to explain." His mind was spinning, trying to think of what to say to win you back. He could already see in your eyes he had lost you, and he didn't want that. The girl though, who was still laying in his bead, spoke after, and said all you needed to hear to know you were done. "Unless his explanation is that we've been sleeping together for 3 months, don't believe him."

Louis: "A few months." Those three words cut through you, as they repeated in your mind over and over again. They were in reply to your question to Louis, about how long he had been seeing other girls behind your back. "Why didn't you just dump me?" you asked, as your heart shattered into a million pieces. How could he do this to you? It hurt so badly. "Because I do still want to be with you," Louis admitted truthfully. He may have been cheating while away from you for so long, but that did not mean he did not want to be with you. "So what, you want to be able to do whatever you want while on tour, and then have me to come home to? Do you really think that's how it works?!" Your voiced raised towards the end of your questions, as you felt more anger than pain. "How can you think that I'd be okay with this, just because you still want to be with me?! Because I am not okay with this. Not at all. And don't try to say anything to win me back, you can't." "[Y/N]..." You did not want to hear him speak, and quickly cut him off, "Goodbye Louis. Have fun with all those girls."

Harry: Screaming and crying were the only two things you seemed capable of doing, after learning that Harry had been seen multiple times with different girls throughout the boys current tour. You had found out with the rest of the world, and that only made it harder. Clear thoughts did not enter your mind, nor did an ounce of wanting to hear his side of things. Did it really matter what he said, after all he had done? "Please listen," he begged, when days later, you finally answered his call, "I need you to listen to me. I'm sorry." "You're sorry," you rolled your eyes, though he could not see that. "You're sorry that I'm hurt because you were with who knows how many girls?" "I'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't want that. I didn't think you'd find out. It was never supposed to be this way." You had days now to get over that instant pain you felt, though the true hurt would never just go away. So your reply was steady, without a hint of the tears you'd cried for days. "Me finding out or not, changes nothing. It should not have happened. Have fun on tour Harry. You're single now, have fun." "[Y/N], don't say..." That was the last word you heard, as you hang up your phone. You didn't need to hear a word more. There was nothing he could say to fix anything.

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