#80 Everything About You

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Harry: "What if I need you?" You wondered aloud, as you tried to tell Harry goodbye. You were not ready for your boyfriend to go on tour for the next few months. You were not prepared at all to be apart for so long. You would go to a few stops, but for the most part it would be months of distance between you. "I'll find a way to get here if you need me. On the other side of the world, it don't matter. I'll be there in two when you call." A forced smile crossed your face, as you hid tears. He could say that all he wanted, but it was not that easy. "Don't say that Harry. I'm going to call you everyday saying how badly I miss you." Harry held you tightly, sad that he could not simply fly back to you each and every day. "I'm going to miss you too."

Niall: Niall always knew when you were happy. Even when you did not smile, it showed in your eyes. They would instantly light up anytime something good happened. "I like the way you smile with your eyes," he told you, when you did it yet again, after he handed you a beautiful flower. A blush covered your face, "I do?" "Yeah, and it's one of the many things I love about you." While smelling your new flower, you continued to smile, "What else do you love?" "There's something about your laugh too. I love the way you laugh." You laughed at that, and quickly covered your mouth, "Really? I hate it." Niall shook his head, "Don't. It's the best sound in the world. I love when there's nothing funny so we laugh at nothing. I love that we don't even need a reason to laugh." You laughed yet again, "True, we do laugh a lot. I enjoy that too."

Louis: You wanted to completely enjoy your time with Louis. This was your last day together before he left for half a year with the boys. It was a big day, and yet all you could do was stare at the time ticking on the wall. Every minute that passed was a minute closer to him being gone for so long, and it was driving you crazy. "[Y/N], stop. Forget about the clock that's ticking. Do you know when I'm gone, all I'm going to think of is you. From the way that we touch, to the way that you kiss on me." "The entire time?" you questioned, knowing that is was all that would fill your mind as well, for the many long months he was away. He nodded, already missing you though you were right next to him, "It's everything about you. There is not one thing in the world doesn't make me think about you."

Liam: "I don't want to bother you with my problems," you told Liam, after he asked you what was wrong. He could see something was bothering you, by the way you were currently watching the movie you normally enjoyed so much. But when he asked, that was your response. "Come on [Y/N], you know you can tell me anything." You shook your head, "No, it's okay." "It's not a bother," he stressed to you, "You know I've always got your back, so let me be the one you come running to." You looked away from your TV, and over at your friend, and smiled softly, "Thank you Liam. I know I can tell you. It's just a guy and... I stand no chance, and he's just..." "Just tell him," Liam assured you, "If he doesn't see how perfect you are, it's his loss." A nervous laugh fell from your mouth, "Yeah, sure."

Zayn: You had no idea what was going on, when Zayn, your boyfriend of 3 years, showed up at your front door in the middle of the day. He was supposed to be a thousand miles away right now, with a concert in only 6 hours, and yet there he was, at your door. "Zayn?" "Hey," he nervously replied, having worked up the courage on the way here to tell you what he was about to. There was no time to waste, so he began speaking quickly. "You have always been the only one I wanted, you know that?" You nodded, instantly nervous. Had he come home just to end things with you? He was going to be late due to this. Tears filled your eyes. "Is it someone else?" Zayn was shocked by that, "No! No! [Y/N], let me finish! You have always been the only one I wanted, and I wanted you to know without you I can't face it. There's no point in trying. So..." And right there Zayn got down on one knee, and everything in your world froze. You never wanted the moment to end. "YES!"

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