#28 Moments

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Liam: "I guess I should go now," you said, after watching a movie with Liam. For the past two hours you'd been snuggled on the couch together laughing at a comedy, but now the credits were rolling. You had turned the lights back on, and currently stood at the open door. "It's getting late, and I don't want to get home when it's dark out." Liam looked at the hands of the clock on the wall, and then at you,"No, just shut the door, and turn the light off." You repeated the action he had just done, and glanced at the clock, "I don't have time." "I just wanna be with you. Please stay." A deep shade of red suddenly covered your face, and your eyes lit up. Though everyone knew it, Liam had never admitted the feelings he had for you were anything more than friendly. "You really want me to stay? For the night?" Liam rose from his spot, and made his way to you, pulling you into his arms, "Yeah, I do. I wanna lay beside you. I cannot hide this, even though I try." Your blush had not faded at all, as you replied, "Don't try to hide it anymore."

Harry: The sorrow you felt, as you stood face to face with Harry for what you knew was the last time, was horrible. You were in tears, an absolute mess, wanting to hold onto the man you had loved for many years. "If we could only have this life for one more day," he uttered, breaking the silence that had filled the room for so long. Your reply was a simple tear rolling down your cheek. Of course you wanted one day more. You wanted a million more days, but it wouldn't happen. You were going your separate ways. It was killing you both, but it was also for the best. That one thing 'for the best,' had to repeat in your mind constantly, or else you would take it all back, and never walk away. This was for the best. "If we could only turn back time... I would never have hurt you the way I did, and I think you would say the same." You barely nodded, hugging your arms around yourself tightly. What happened; how it all fell apart, it did not matter now. Why it happened wasn't important, but it had, and there was no going back. "This is for the best..."

Niall: A slam of a door. The sound of keys landing harshly against the table. Those were the sounds Niall was accustomed to hearing whenever he arrived home lately. Normally he was alone in his anger, but this time Harry was with him, and concerned. it was not these simple acts, but many things that had happened in the past few weeks, that caused his concern. "I know you're upset about what happened with [Y/N], but you're not yourself, and..." Harry did not get to finish his thoughts, as Niall quickly cut him off, weeks of thoughts pouring out all at once, "No, I don't wanna be reminded. I made the biggest mistake of my life letting her walk away, and I don't wanna have to always be reminded. Everyone brings her up. I donna even wanna be seen anymore, because every time I'm out, people ask about her. Everyone has to bring her up. I don't wanna be without her. And I know my judgement's clouded lately, I know," he paused for just a moment to catch his breath, and glanced out the window at the dark sky, "Like tonight's sky. I know what everyone is thinking, but I don't wanna hear it." Harry wanted to say the right thing to help Niall, but what was that? Niall shook his head, "I know it's my fault, and there's nothing you can say, so don't try to find the words. I just miss [Y/N], and i wish I wasn't reminded every single day."

Louis: "I just needed you to hold me, and tell me you loved me." You were sobbing, as you spoke those words. Your heart was a shattered mess, and Louis was to blame. "I needed you to show me you care Louis. I just needed that so badly, and you never gave it to me. You never showed me that I mattered to you at all. I never felt important. Not once."  There was so much Louis wanted to say, so much he wanted to do. Instead of doing anything though, he stood there frozen. His hands are silent, voice is numb. All the thoughts and words he feels just stuck in him. He wanted to scream how important you were to him, but he didn't. He just couldn't, and that made this harder. You wanted more than anything for him to say that you were crazy, that of course he loved you. You just needed something. His only answer, the only thing you could see, were the tears streaming down his face. "If you're going to cry over losing me, then treat me like you care when you have me Louis. That's all I want. Tell me you love me, or just let me go. I'm not going to stay, and feel like I don't belong forever."

Zayn: Bags packed, and arms crossed across your chest, you stood across the room from Zayn, refusing to go even an inch closer to your ex. "Can I convince you to stay?" he asked, with a look towards the picture of the two of you sitting on the dresser; the one from your anniversary. "We were really happy." "We were, but lately..." you sighed and trailed off, there was no need to finish that sentence, he knew everything you were thinking. "If you really want me here, how do I know things will be better? What can you say to change my mind?" That was all Zayn needed to hear. He did not want to beg you stay, if you truly did want to go, but if there was a small part of you that did think you would not leave, he would try. "Because you know I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be... None of that makes sense, but you have to understand what I mean. Please [Y/N], you are my love. My heart is beating so hard for this moment. I'm so nervous, but I'll find the words to say before you leave me today. I want you to know everything, all my feelings and thoughts, before you walk away."

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