#46 Your child's first heartbreak

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Liam: Heartbreak was something you never wanted your daughter to know, but it was inevitable. Everyone goes through it, and even if you wanted to protect her from the world, you just couldn't. What you could do though, along with Liam, was comfort her when the time came. "He said I was the one, and so much that I believed," she cried into Liam's arms, as you sat next to her rubbing her back. "We're sorry." "He told me he loved me, and it was a lie," she said, while her breathing became ridged, "Why would he do that?" "Sometimes people do things that make no sense," Liam responded, all his anger towards your daughters ex nothing compared to to sadness he felt over your daughter's tears, "I'm so sorry he hurt you. I wish I could take it all away." "You promised you sing me that song I love, if I ever came home crying. Do you remember that?" Your daughter asked, though she knew it would not help. Nothing right now could help with her pain. Liam did remember that moment, and nodded, "Which song is that again?"

Harry: He didn't tell you or Harry a thing. He wasn't the type to go to you with something like that, and would instead keep it all bottled up inside. You noticed though, that his smile had disappeared. You noticed his girlfriend was no longer around. You noticed so many little things, that told you he was hurting. Harry did as well, and he was the one to speak to your son. "If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to, but I can see you're hurting, and if you want to talk to me, you can," Harry said carefully, not wanting your son to feel like he had to talk about it. Harry knew if it hurt him to, then he never wanted to hear about it. He also knew that your son may want to talk about it though, and just not know how to. Your son hesitated for a moment, unsure if he did want to tell his father or not. In the end though, he did, quietly, feeling better the moment he did get it out, "She was seeing someone else. All that time she was here, and I thought things were so good. And it hurts so badly. I never thought she would do this to me." 

Niall: Tears rolled down your daughter's face so quickly, as she laid on your bed, hugging onto a pillow tightly. She looked the same as she did after a bad dream when she was younger. Now though, instead of a monster under her bed, it was a boy who had broken her heart. She wouldn't tell you details of all that happened, but your son had mentioned that her ex had said many things at school that were hurting her. Other kids were sayings things to her, and school was becoming a nightmare. She was hurt, and devastated over everything. She never thought her first love would do this to her. "I'm so stupid." "You are not. Don't say that," Niall replied to her, "You loved him, and you trusted him. That's not stupid." Your daughter sat up, as Niall sat at the edge of the bed, "Everyone told me he was using me, and not worth my time. I didn't listen though. I was stubborn, and stupid. And now everyone knows it." Niall hugged her, knowing he could not really do anything to take away how badly she was hurting. "You were in love with him, and that's not stupid. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Louis: You and Louis both warned her she would end up hurt when she began dating her best friend. You both had hoped you were wrong, but knew it was likely. And in a way, you were wrong. What you warned her about, it never happened. She didn't end up hurt over some horrible breakup, but instead he was moving across the country, and they decided long distance wouldn't work. "I miss him already," she cried into Louis' arms, only a day after her boyfriend had left, "Do you think we could have tried? Do you think it would work?" Louis didn't know what to say, so he just hugged her tighter, while you replied. "Maybe so, or maybe the distance would have hurt you both anyway." Your daughter nodded, because that was her logic. The distance would have driven them apart, and they'd hate each other. Now they didn't, and things ended good. Your daughter wondered why this felt right though, when it hurt so badly. "I know he didn't break my heart, but it's broken anyway."

Zayn: The day his heart was broken began really good. He was going out with the girl he'd been seeing for almost a year now, finally able to drive the two of them on his own. He was so excited about that fact. When he'd left to go pick her up, he was wearing a huge smile. So you and Zayn were both shocked, when only an hour later, he was back home, and his smile was nowhere to be seen. "What are you doing home so early?" Zayn asked, as soon as your son shut the front door. There was no reply. "Baby, what happened?" you asked this time. At the sound of your voice, you could see your little boy trying not to cry. "She dumped me. I don't even know why. I thought things were good, but I guess not. I ruined it. How did I ruin it without knowing?" By the time you got to his side to hug him, he was showing all of his emotions. "You didn't do anything, I'm sure." He shook his head, as Zayn walked over to meet you, "She hates me now, and I don't know why. I love her Mum. I really love her." "I know," you replied sadly, heartbroken as well, "I'm so sorry."

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