#55 Clouds

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Harry: From day one you told Harry that you never wanted things to get complicated. You told him that all you wanted a nice, simple relationship. If things got too hard, you said you would leave. You were both still so young, and being in a relationship that was complicated just didn't seem worth it to you. You had time for that later, for now you just wanted fun and easy. When it came down to it though, your heart was torn. "[Y/N], I know you said that you don't like it complicated, and that we should try to keep it simple, but love is never simple. You had to know that if we did fall, it wouldn't be simple." "I did," you nodded, and could actually feel yourself shaking, "But maybe I didn't think we really would fall. I never expected to be in love. This isn't what I expected."

Louis: Leaving Louis was hard to do. After months together you were just not happy though, and ready to leave. He didn't understand why. He thought you were both happy, and had not seem this coming at all. So in anger, due to his shock, he snapped at you things he wouldn't have said otherwise. "Someday you're gonna see the things that I see. You're gonna want the air that i breathe." You tried to be understanding. You were hurting him by leaving, and so he had a right to snap at you. You would be doing the same if he had been the one who suddenly left you. "Maybe I will," you replied, though you didn't believe that. You were sure about what you were doing, and did not expect to regret today. "You will, you'll see one day what we had. How can you walk away from us? One day you're gonna wish you never left me."

Niall: When Niall flirted with another girl right in front of you, you snapped at him. "You always have to do that, don't you? Why bring me out if you're going to do that." "Here we go again," he sighed, as he shook his head. He was so tired of defending himself to you. You were so paranoid that he'd cheat, that you saw it in everything he did. "I was just being friendly, there's a difference [Y/N]." "That was not friendly Niall." From only a few feet away from you, Harry and Zayn both tried to pretend they could not hear you arguing, but were clearly paying attention. They were used to this between you; if it wasn't this, it was something else. This was just another go round. "Just another night like this, huh?" You and Niall both stared at each other, both with so much anger between you. How could you love each other, yet fight so much? "Will it ever end? Will we ever just stop fighting, and be happy again?" Niall asked, but in his mind he already knew the answer. No.

Liam: You told Liam repeatedly that you hated how things were changing. He was gone more and more. He was not as into you as he had been at first. He was different. You hated that different. You hated change. You just wanted things to go back to the way they were when your relationship began, but that would never happen. Liam held onto your hands tightly, as he tried to explain that. "I know that you are tired of all the changes. Moving, me being different around you, and everything. But love is always changing, that's just how it works. It won't stay the same. It can't stay the same." You knew that was true, and you weren't going to deny that. You did not have to enjoy it just because that was a fact though, "I just don't like it. We were so perfect at first." Liam nodded, smiling at the memories, "We were, and maybe we still are, just a different kind of perfect."

Zayn: "I feel like I'm on cloud nine when I'm with you," you told Zayn, as you snuggled close to him. You were both sitting on the couch, listening to music, and you could not believe how happy you were just doing something so simple. It was better than a concert. It was better anything in the world. No feeling could top how you felt just sitting there with Zayn doing nothing at all. "I'm way past cloud nine," Zayn replied, as he stared at your face. Every single part of it was flawless to him, and he knew he would feel that way for as long as he lived. "What do you mean by that?" you asked, while placing your hand on his. "Well we're never come back down, I know we're not, and it feel like we're looking down at the clouds, not on them anymore." Looking down on the clouds, that sounded so amazing to you. You smiled to yourself, as you sighed, "I love you so much." "I love you too."

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