#79 Dealing with pregnancy symptoms

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Liam: You could not kiss Liam. You hated that you had to push him away every time he came too close to you, but your sense of smell was so strong that his breath was just too much for you. It was not that it was bad. It fact it always smelled very fresh; he tried to brush as often as possible, hoping that would help. It didn't though. "It just makes me sick," you explained to him, while holding his hand; the only thing you could really do with him, that did not make you sick, "It's so hard to explain, but the smell is so strong. If it was reversed, you'd understand." Liam didn't mind. Of course he wanted to be able to kiss you, and stand closer to you that you allowed, but he understood why that wasn't happening. "It's okay [Y/N]. It'll be over soon." You looked down at your large stomach and sighed, "Not soon enough. I can't wait to actually have her to hold, and not just a giant stomach."

Harry: "You're kind of mean to Harry lately," your best friend told you, while the two of you were out shopping. You were shocked to hear her say that. "What?" "You snap at him a lot." She told you this, because she knew Harry never would. He knew the pregnancy was causing your mood, and that was okay with him. Your best friend felt the need to tell you though, even if it was just to make you aware of it. "I have?" She nodded, "Everything he does is wrong." You had not noticed your mood swings before. Thinking of how you'd treated Harry lately though, you could see what she meant, "I'm horrible." She could feel tears filling your eyes, as you thought of how you'd treated your husband. "No, no, [Y/N] you're not. You're pregnant. I just thought you should know. Forget I said anything. Please." You wanted to forget it, but now that you were aware, you felt horrible that your emotions were causing you to mistreat Harry, and you still had months to go.

Louis: "I really want a donut," you randomly said, while you and Louis were lying in bed. Louis, who'd been trying to sleep, tossed over when you said that. "It's 1 o'clock in the morning [Y/N]. No one is open to get a donut," he explained to you, slightly grateful for that fact. If not, he knew he'd be forced out of bed, and sent out to get exactly what you wanted. "But I really want one," you replied to him, somehow instantly angry towards Louis for telling you no, "And I don't want to wait until the morning." "I can't..." "Find one!" You snapped at him, having this overwhelming sadness fill you, "You don't want to because I annoy you, don't I? You hate doing things for me." "Please calm down," Louis begged, as he began to get out of bed, "I'll go find you some." You smiled as soon as he said that. Your emotions quickly turning to normal. "Thank you!"

Niall: One moment you were totally fine. You and Niall were eating supper together, enjoying a quiet night at home; knowing those would be gone in only a few short weeks when your children entered the world. It was a really nice evening, and you were enjoying every moment of it. So it took you by surprise, when you dropped your fork on the ground, and instantly burst into tears. "[Y/N], it's okay," Niall assured you, while picking up the silverware. He'd seen your sudden tears often in the past few weeks, and knew this was because of the pregnancy, and not actually due to your clumsiness. You knew that too. You even knew in the moment how crazy you looked, crying over something so small, but it was normal for you lately. "I'm going to go get you another fork," Niall told you, when you began to calm down. The tears disappearing as quickly as they'd come. You smiled awkwardly, "Thanks."

Zayn: "They're so happy," you cried, at the end of a cartoon movie, where two animals lived happily ever after. Zayn forced himself not to laugh at your tears. He knew you'd probably end up snapping and yelling at him if he did. It was funny to him though, to see you cry over things that would never make you cry in a million years without the pregnancy controlling your brain. "She loves him so much," you continued, while trying to wipe away some of your tears, "It's so beautiful. Why can't all movies be this perfect?" "Uh huh," Zayn said, not trusting himself to say any real words. His laughter was too close to coming out, to try and really speak to you. Your tears were still falling, as the end credits rolled, and you turned to look at Zayn, "Can we watch it again?"

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