#4 He finds you sneaking out after a one-night stand

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Louis: The night before had been so amazing; truly one of the best nights of your life. Thinking of it, a huge smile covered your face, and you wanted your memories of it to stay that way. The awkwardness of Louis waking up, and then you'd have to speak to him, that could ruin your memories of such an amazing night. So you gathered your clothes, put them on, and tried to get out of the room as quietly as possible. You were almost out, your hand on the door, when you heard Louis moving in the bed, and cringed. You were so close. You just wanted to get out without the awkwardness that was sure to follow now. However, his words were not what you expected to hear. "Don't leave yet, please." You could have turned that handle, even now. You still could leave. You did not though. "Why should I stay?" "Last night was amazing. Can we please talk?"

Niall: You were not very quiet when attempting to leave, though you tried to be. As you made your way out of the room, you ran into just about everything in your path. The lights were off, and you could not see a thing before you. So that was why it was no surprise to you, when Niall awoke, and you heard him sitting up in bed. "Hey," he awkwardly said, as he looked in his direction, "If you need to put on the light, it's right behind you." "Um, thanks," you quietly replied, before finding the switch on the wall. With the light on now, you felt much more out of place standing there. Niall made you feel better though, when he laughed, "Normally when people try to sneak out after a one-night stand, they don't make the most noise they possibly can." "Well I wanted this to be memorable," you jokingly said. A true smile came across Niall's face, "It will be."

Harry: "Hey, where are you going?" Harry asked, when after a night that neither of you would ever forget, he woke up to you quietly leaving his room. "Um, leaving," you commented, as you looked at the man you'd spent the night before with. You thought it was obviously that you would leave now. What was there to do other than that after a one-night stand? There was no point in sticking around. Harry was not really used to one-night stands though, and hated the thought of not talking to you now, and getting to know you better. "But we barely know each other." You laughed, "Um, yeah, that's kind of the point of a one-night stand." "Oh." You felt your strong desire to leave quickly vanishing, as you sighed, "But maybe I could stay for a while. Last night was great, and it would be horrible to just leave now."

Liam: Waking up in the morning next to Liam, you did not want to leave. How could you? After the amazing night you'd had, how could you just leave so soon? You may have been thinking all of those things, but you also felt like you had no choice. This was meant to be nothing more than that one night, and the longer you laid there, the harder it would be to leave. So you slowly got up, and grabbed your clothes. You had just began to pull your shirt over your head, when Liam woke up, and his eyes fell on you. "Good morning." You finished pulling on your shirt, and smiled awkwardly at him, "Morning." "If you want I can pretend I'm still sleeping," he said jokingly, when he could sense how awkward you felt. Your heart was pounding in your chest. "Um..." "You don't have to rush out, if that's what's making you nervous. You can stay."

Zayn: You actually made it all the way to the door, and even had it opened, when Zayn's phone went off, waking him from his deep sleep. You hoped at first he would ignore it, but quickly heard him tossing over. You froze, and just stood there. Should you still leave? What was the right thing to do right now? Zayn ignored answering his phone, and just sat up in bed, "Hey, if you want breakfast, you can stay for a little. If not, it's fine. Last night was fun." You contemplated what he was asking. He wanted you to stay. Maybe it meant nothing, or maybe it meant something. It would be awkward, but would it really hurt you to stay just a little longer? "What's for breakfast?" "Whatever you want," he replied, as you turned around to face him, both of you wearing small smiles. "Okay."

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