#102 Your child gets lost

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Niall: It was a truly horrible feeling that overcame you, when Niall called to tell you that he could not find your 6 year old daughter anywhere. To hear him say he'd been looking for her for over 30 minutes now, and had still yet to find her, was terrifying. "What do you mean?!" Niall had been in town with your daughter when he'd lost her. One moment she was by his side, and the next she was nowhere to be found. "I-I've looked everywhere. I called the police." Niall was crying as he spoke to you, so scared of what could have happened. And as what you were hearing sunk in, you dropped the phone, with tears pouring down your eyes. You could barely even breathe, as you thought of your daughter. When the phone rang again, you could barely answer it. You were so weak. You did pick it up though, and instantly felt so glad you had, "Mom... I'm lost. This lady let me use her phone. Can you come get me?"

Harry: As you walked into a busy mall, to meet Harry and your young son for lunch, you saw Harry right away. He was running in circles, looking in every direction, with a clear panic running through him. You didn't understand why instantly, but as you glanced around you noticed your child was nowhere in sight. "Harry!" You called his name, and he stopped frantically looking around; his panicked eyes falling on you. He could tell in your face, that he did not need to tell you what was going on. "He was just here [Y/N]. He was..." You could feel yourself going weak. How could Harry lose your child? Where was he? Was he okay? So many thoughts rushed through your mind in a matter of seconds, before everything was made better by the sound of one simple word. "Mommy!"

Zayn: You repeatedly told your two young daughters to stay near you and Zayn, as you walked down a busy street. They refused to listen though, no matter how many times you spoke, and suddenly they both disappeared from your view. "Zayn, where are the girls?!" Your heart raced, as you looked around, trying to find them somewhere in the crowd. Zayn quickly turned around to look where you'd just come from. People shoved pass him, as he walked in the opposite direction of the crowd. He didn't care about that though, he just quickly made his through the crowd, hoping to see your daughters' dark hair somewhere amongst all the people. After less than 30 seconds, which felt more like 30 minutes, Zayn found your daughter's happily walking together, not at all aware of the panic they had just caused. "Get over here, Now!"

Liam: "She-she asked for a toy, and I said no," you mumbled through tears, as you tried to explain to Liam what had happened minutes earlier, when you'd lost your daughter inside of a large store, as he had been parking the car. You were still so upset, even though she was with you now, completely safe in Liam's arms. She didn't understand at all why you were crying. All she knew was she went look at the toys, and came back minutes later to see you in tears. Liam could see how unaware she was, and though he wanted to comfort you and tell you everything was okay now, he felt like she needed to understand better. "You cannot run off like that. Do you see how you've made your mum cry?" Your daughter nodded her head, and replied to Liam, "Why? I just wanted a toy." Liam sighed at how innocent she was about the situation, "You could have been hurt. Someone could have taken you, and you'd never see us again. Don't ever do that again." Her little eyes widened in fear, "I won't!"

Louis: Bringing your 2 year old daughter to one of Louis' concerts was not something you had been excited to do. You worried about the noise being too much for her, or her being too young to enjoy it at all. The one thing you did not worry about, was her running off into the crowded stadium alone. If you had thought she'd do that, then you would never have brought her there. "Please, please, please." You were silently begging to yourself, that the cries you could hear not far from where you were, belonged to your daughter. When the child came into view though, it was not yours. You felt a true panic set in, as you looked around, and saw thousands of people everywhere. How would you find her? You were just about to ask security to help you, when you heard a teenage fan screaming your name. "Not now, I'm..." you began, as you turned to face her, but then you stopped short. In her arms, was your happy little girl, "You found her!"

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