# 2 You're a model, nervous about an important casting

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Harry: "This is the most important thing I ever tried to get. I don't know if I can go to the casting tomorrow. I really don't think I'm ready. All the other girls will have so much more experience." Your hands were impossible to keep steady, and your heart was pounding, as you leaned into Harry's arms. He could feel you shaking, as he hugged you tightly, "You will be fine. You're amazing, and so many people have told you that. Remember that. I'm sure you'll do great." "And what if I don't? What I fail and ruin my biggest opportunity?" Harry wanted to say something encouraging, but also honest, so he chose his words carefully. "If you mess up, then it's okay. It's not the last casting ever. There will be others. Just go in their confident tomorrow, and there's nothing else you can do."

Liam: "I'm not really that pretty," you mumbled under your breath, while staring in the mirror in your bedroom. You were leaving for the casting in only an hour, and suddenly felt so unconfident in yourself. Liam heard those words, and quickly replied to you, "You are. [Y/N], please don't think if they don't pick you it's for that reason. So many girls will be there trying." "And I would never be the one picked, I know," You sighed, taking his words completely wrong. "No, that's not what I meant! I mean that no matter what you do, sometimes you just don't get picked. It's not about you, and I don't want you to feel that way." It was easy to understand his words, but it was hard to accept them. You just wanted this so badly, and it felt so far away. "[Y/N], I know it's hard to feel like you'll never reach your dream. You will though. I know you can do it, just don't lose hope."

Niall: You should have be used to this by now. You went to castings all the time, as often as you possibly could. It was part of your job, and you worked so hard to become the model you hoped you could one day be. You were not used to it at all though, despite all of that. You still felt sick to your stomach before every casting, and this one was no different. "Tell me I'm going to be okay, and that it will go well. I just need to hear that, please." Niall smiled at you softly. He was very accustomed to your nerves before an important day, and knew exactly what to say. "It'll be okay [Y/N]. You going to go there, and do amazing. Just remember to breathe. That's important." He knew he'd said the right words, when you laughed. "Keep reminding me of that, because I think I may forget."

Louis: Normally, you were fine before a casting. Your career was at a place you felt really good about, and you finally found a confidence in yourself that you'd lacked for many years. This time though, it was different. This was a huge opportunity, one that may not come again, and you were so nervous. "I keep thinking I'll forget how to walk. It's so simple, but I have this fear. It's a nightmare really that I'll just forget." Louis laughed at your comment, "[Y/N], I can guarantee you will not forget how to walk. I can't say for sure anything else, but you will remember that." You knew you were being completely irrational, but this was just so important to you. "I know, I know. It just matters so much." "I know it does, but you have to relax. Your career is where it's at, because you are good at what you do. Remember that when you go tomorrow, and don't worry so much."

Zayn: "Here is some water," Zayn said, while handing you a glass. The water shook inside of it, as your hands wrapped around the glass. "You're shaking so badly," Zayn sighed, while taking a seat beside you on your couch, "Nervous about the casting tomorrow?" "So nervous. I didn't think I was, but it's all hitting me. I don't know if I can go." With a sigh, Zayn put an arm around your shoulders gently, "You have to go [Y/N]. You've wanted this for so long, and this is your chance. Even if it goes badly, you took a chance. If you don't go, how will you ever know if you could have done it or not?" You took a small sip of water, before replying, "But what if I can't do it. That's what scares me." Zayn had a lot of confidence in you, and shook his head, "You can do it. Don't worry about that. Just go. You'll be great, I know it."

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