#15 He pranks you for fun, but you get hurt

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Harry: While standing behind a door, waiting to jump out and scare you, Harry thought it would be funny. It seemed like it would be something the two of you could laugh about after. He'd jump out, you would scream, and then you'd both laugh about it. What he did not expect was for you to fall backwards when he did, and hit your arm against the wall. "You okay?" he asked, while watching you wince in pain. "Do I look it?" you snapped, as you rubbed your arm. It was only a bruise, you could tell, but that didn't mean it did not hurt horribly. "Why did you have the idea to do that?!" "I thought it would be funny," he said slowly, knowing nothing about this was funny now, "I'm so sorry. Do you want me to get you some ice?" You nodded your head, "Yes please, and also please never do that again." Harry already knew he would not. "I won't. I promise. No more pranks." "Well none from you at least," you replied back, finally smiling through the pain, "I never said I wouldn't."

Louis: It was pretty common for Louis to prank you, and typically you would do a prank right back. It was all in fun. This time however, it just didn't work out quite as planned. "I kind of feeling like I can't breathe," you barely got out, as you coughed up the horrible food you had just eaten. Putting extremely hot peppers into your food did not sound so dangerous, but watching you choke on it after, Louis realized how dumb of an idea this was. "Milk is supposed to help, not water," Louis said, as he handed you a glass, "Drink that, and it should help." "Everything feels like it's on fire. It burns so badly. I hate you." "I know," Louis nodded, knowing those words were not true. You were just in so much pain, and so angry. "I'm sorry, I was just trying to get you back for the last prank." You coughed a bit more, before responding, "Can we end this already. You win, I'm done." This did not feel like winning. Louis felt so horrible. "I'm really sorry [Y/N]. I didn't think it would be this bad."

Liam: "You were upset we are always out of popcorn when we watch movies, so I made sure we have plenty," Liam was saying, as you stepped into your home. You froze the moment you did. You did not understand how this was a prank. How was this something to laugh over. You'd seen many prank videos though, and understood that many did get this. Seeing your living room covered in popcorn though, you just couldn't laugh. "This is stupid," you snapped, as you stepped into the giant mess, only to realize that popcorn has butter, and butter is slippery. Before you could comprehend what was happening, you were on the ground, with a pain going up your leg. This only made your anger grow, "This is the worst idea you have ever had! This is not funny!" Liam reached for your hand, as he tried to apologize, "It was just a joke. We've been so stressed out lately, I thought we could laugh at this." "Well I'm laughing at the fact my leg feels broken," you snapped, refusing to admit that maybe later you would look back and laugh at this. Right now, that was not an option. "I should have made sure it was popcorn without butter I guess," he responded, finally helping you up slowly, "you're standing, so that should mean it's not broken. This really was a bad idea. I'm sorry."

Niall: Niall was not the best at pranks, and should have known not to do one to you. He did not think of that though, when he planned to do a simple prank to trick you. He thought it was a brilliant idea. You were with him on tour, and he thought it would be funny to wake you in a panic, pretending something horrible had happened. He didn't think further than that. There was no plan other than waiting you up in panic. When he did so, you freaked out. You could see the panic in his eyes, and went through a list of things that could be wrong in your mind. You were barely awake, panicking, and that caused you to fall right out of bed, instead of standing up. "Ow," you screamed, as you hit your head on the side table. As much pain as you were in though, you still wanted to know what was going on, "What's wrong?!" Niall did not answer you right away. He went to your side quickly. "Are you okay?" "What's wrong?!" you asked again, ignoring the pain in your head. "Nothing," Niall finally admitted, "I-I was just pranking you. I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

Zayn: "That was not funny!" You screamed at Zayn, after his prank had gone horribly wrong. A prank which involved you. You truly did not know what the prank was even meant to be. All you did know, was that you walked into your home, and flour flew everywhere, and you were knocked off your feet by something. You would never have assumed it was a prank, if Zayn had not said so when he was trying to calm you from screaming. "Why would you do this?!" "It was supposed to be funny," Zayn sighed, trying to wipe some of the flour that was on your face, "It did not go as planned though. This was not the prank." You rolled your eyes, as you looked at the disaster around you, "I would hope not. This is horrible. And my legs hurt so badly. What did I even trip on?" "Water... That wasn't supposed to be on the ground," Zayn answered sadly, "I'm sorry. I really, really did not plan this. I should have planned the prank a lot better." "Or not pranked me at all," you replied, reaching for his hand, "Help me up please, I don't think I can on my own. It really hurts."

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