#14 BSM: You argue and he makes you cry

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Niall: "You told me I could go with you tonight!" You argued, after being informed that Niall was going out with his friends tonight, without you. That was not what you had been told would happen on his first night back from tour. He was supposed to spend it with you. "You're never here, and when you finally are, you want to leave!" Niall turned to look at you, his eyes never quite looking at yours. He didn't enjoy making you upset; his words did not show that however. "[Y/N], I'll be here for 3 weeks. Can you not cry when I want to do something without you. My friends don't want my baby sister to tag along." His words caused tears to fall from your eyes. You were only 9, and did not understand. "So you don't want me around? You rather see your friends." "[Y/N]..." Niall began slowly. He never wanted to see you cry, "I'm sorry. They just planned it all for tonight, and I want to go. We have plenty of time before I leave again." You crossed your arms across your chest, and stomped your foot, tears still falling down your face, and lied, "Fine. Go. I didn't miss you anyway."

Zayn: "Stop going through all of my things," Zayn snapped at you, when he found you yet again on his phone. "But I wanted to play a game," you informed him, laughing at you did. You didn't see the big deal about it. You were old enough to know not to buy an app, or do anything you shouldn't. "You weren't using it," you shrugged, continuing to play the game you were trying to beat. The real reason Zayn was upset had nothing to do with you, or his phone, at all, it was over something else entirely, but you were the one that got yelled at, as he ripped the phone away from you. "Stay out of my things! Got it?" "But you weren't using it!" you repeated, anger in your voice as well now. "That doesn't give you permission to just take my things!" "I didn't take it! I was just using it for five minutes!" Tears welled up in your eyes, "Why are you so mad at me?" "Just stop," Zayn responded, his tone softening at the sight of your tears. He reminded himself that his anger was not because of you. "Don't cry [Y/N], please." "Then stop yelling at me," you responded, wiping tears away from your cheeks, "I just wanted to play a game." You were still crying softly, when Zayn pulled you into a tight hug. "I'm not mad at you. I'm sorry I yelled, and argued with you over it. It's not you, okay?" You took a deep breath, "Please don't yell at me again."

Liam: Tears were not something Liam caused you to have often. When he was around you were always so happy. He was your big brother, who you never saw, and when you did, you did not want to spend any of that time arguing. So this was different. You standing there, face red, eyes wet, as you yelled at Liam. He was angry at you for being rude to his friends when they'd come over earlier in the day. "It's not my fault!" "Yes it is [Y/N]! You were rude to all them for no reason!" "So! You don't care how I feel! You just come back and make everything different all the time!" you yelled back. "What are you even talking about?!" Liam argued back, not sure what that had to do with the fight. "Every time you're here, everything is different. It's all about you. We change everything for you. It's not fair!" Liam now understood. Of course you would feel that way. You were only 9, and every few months the routine you were so used to would get turned upside down. Of course you would be angry, and today that anger had finally come out towards his friends. And instead of understanding that, he yelled at you, and made you cry. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way." You were still crying, as you looked down at the ground. You were glad you said it, but now felt badly, "I am glad when you're here though. I just hate that everything changes."

Harry: Harry was worried, trying to work on getting ready to leave for yet another long tour. He had no time to deal with his baby sister wanting attention, but you did not understand that. "Harry, will you play a game with me?" "Harry, watch this!" "Harry, can I help you pack." "Harry, look at this!" "Harry!" "[Y/N]! GO AWAY!" Harry yelled those words at you, and watched as within a moment your face had crumbled. Tears sprang to your eyes. "You-you are about to leave," you cried, backing away from your brother. All you wanted was to spend as much time with him before he left again as you could, not argue. "I am, and so I need peace and quiet to get ready! I don't need you trying to get my attention the entire time!"  How could he be so angry at you, just for wanting to spend time with him? You did not understand. At your age, the thought that stress or sadness over leaving could cause him to act differently, that didn't cross your mind. You just knew your brother was angry at you, and it broke your heart. "I'm sorry," you still had tears pouring down your face, as you said that softly, "I didn't want to argue with you." You ran to your room after saying that, and it wasn't until a few minutes had passed, that Harry realized what he'd just done. He quickly went and found you crying on your bed, "[Y/N], I'm sorry. Do you want to help me pack?"

Louis: "You did break it!" You argued with Louis, as he tried to deny breaking your favorite DVD. "I did not break your stupid movie [Y/N]. I didn't even watch a movie last night. I went to a friend's house," Louis responded, not going to argue with his baby sister over something so small. "But it was in your room," you responded, each word a little louder than the last, as you held up the DVD which was scratched and ruined. "This is ridiculous. I'm not going to argue over something so stupid." His refusal to argue over this only made you angrier. "It's not stupid to me!" You now were tearing up, as he continued to dismiss everything you were upset over. Even if he did not do it, it bothered you how he did not seem to care at all at the amount this did hurt you. "It's a movie [Y/N]. It's not the end of the world," Louis sighed, so confused why this was as big a deal as you were making it. You tossed it down on the couch, and rolled your eyes filled with tears, "I'm sorry what I care about is not important." "I didn't say that!" He finally argued back, "I just didn't want this! I didn't want to argue with you!" You shook your head, and tried to fight back the tears already running down your face, "Well I just wanted you to care that something of mine was ruined. Even if you didn't do it, which I still don't believe, you could have cared." "I didn't do it," Louis assured you again, and then sighed. He hated that he'd caused you to cry, "I'm sorry though [Y/N]. I'm really sorry."

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