#86 Going to a wedding together

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Niall: Everything about your friends's wedding was perfect. Her dress, the venue, the flowers. Every little detail was perfect, and it was making you think of what you would want if it were you. What details you would put into a wedding of your own. "What are you thinking?" Niall asked, as he noticed you lost in thought. "Nothing," you lied, not sure how you felt about telling your boyfriend about your current thoughts. You were at a wedding though, with the man you loved, of course you were thinking of your own wedding you hoped to have one day. Niall smiled, knowing that what you just said was not true. But knowing what you were thinking, having assumed already it was wedding related, he let it go. He wasn't ready for the conversation just yet, "Okay."

Harry: "She's so nervous," you told Harry, talking about your best friend who was going to be walking down the aisle in only 30 minutes. He laughed, thinking of his close friend, who was the groom, "Yeah, he is too." "Can you believe they are getting married?" Harry shook his head, "Not really. Maybe I thought this would happen one day, but not now. Not before us." Hearing that, you smiled softly, "Yeah... One day." Harry leaned over to kiss you gently, "You're the prettiest bridesmaid here. You look amazing." You blushed, and looked toward your friends, who were all ready for this wedding to start, and then down at the dress you were wearing. "Yeah. she picked out good dresses." Harry wanted to talk to you more, but as best man, he had other things he had to do, "Well I better go check make sure hes's okay. " "Yeah, go make sure he doesn't leave," you joked, "Cold feet is not an option now." 

Liam: "Do you know anyone here?" You asked Liam, as the two of you sat in the back of a wedding reception, for a distant friend of his. "Not, really," he answered, glancing around the room. You laughed to yourself, "Me either. This is really awkward." You barely even knew the groom, so being here at this wedding, you didn't feel like you belonged. Liam understood what you meant, "I didn't want to not come though, since we were invited." You nodded, having felt the same away about the invitation, "Right, but maybe it was just for a gift. He barely knows us." Liam had been thinking the same thing, "Yeah, I think so. Oh well, let's have fun. No one knows us anyway. Do you want to dance?" You looked towards the dance door, "I can't dance well, and there's so many people here." "So," he shrugged, "Like you said, we don't know anyone here."

Louis: "She's going to have a meltdown," you told Louis, speaking of your best friend, who was moments away from busrting into tears. It was her big day, and it was not going as planned. So much had gone wrong, and the new bride was devastated. "Is he any help?" Louis asked, as he motioned towards the new groom, who did not seem to be comfoting his new wife. "No." You shook your head. "He's kind of nervous. The cake fell, the DJ never showed up, the speakers don't work, and her dresss got stick to the doorframe and ripped." Louis tried not to laugh. He did feel bad for your best friend, but it was a little funny. If anything could go wrong, it had. "Well at least the wedding part went right." You sighed, wishing you could fix things, "True. She got that at least..."

Zayn: "She's so beautiful in that dress," you sighed to Zayn, as you watched a close friend of yours walk down the aisle. "Mhm," Zayn agreed, though he was actually not even looking at her. He was busy glancing around the room, thinking of how much work must have gone into a ceremony that will last only an hour, if that long. "this is so much work for one day." You looked away from your friend, and at him, "Well yeah, it's the biggest day of their lives. Well, unless they have kids. Today is everything. The start of it all for them." He sighed, and nodded, "Yeah, I guess so. So you'd want something this big, if ever we got married?" You hadn't really thought of that much, you didn't even have a ring yet to consider marriage, but thinking now, you nodded, "Yeah. Of course. A big wedding, party, everything. It's a day I'd never want to roforget. " "But it's one day." "Buit it's it more than just a day. It's the start of everything."

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