#34 Camping

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Liam: "How much longer?" You asked, exhaustion in your voice. You and Liam had been trying to find a waterfall, the one everyone had told you so much about, the reason for this camping trip at all. "I know this is why we came here, because everyone said it was so amazing that we couldn't miss it, but I don't know how much longer I can keep going." Liam felt the same.You had been walking for over an hour now, and you still did not hear the water, which would tell you that you were getting closer. He sighed, and thought about the fact you'd also have to walk all the way back to your camp when this was over, "How about we go another thirty minutes, if we still aren't there, we'll turn around." You nodded, and smiled, but didn't want to miss it, "Maybe forty minutes, and then we go back to camp. We do still have so much to do to make this a true camping trip."

Zayn: Your plans for the camping trip had seemed so exciting, and you'd been looking forward to it for so long, however it was disaster before it even truly began. Only two hours into the trip, before you'd done anything much at all, you stumbled into a plant that caused your skin to itch and turn a deep shade of red. Only the tent was up, and already the trip was over. "it'll be fun," you said sarcastically, as you scratched the rash forming across your arm. Zayn felt so badly, as he watched you in pain, "I'm sorry [Y/N]. How was I supposed to know that this would happen?" You shook your head, not wanting him to feel badly, "You couldn't, I know that." He also shook his head, but could not ignore his guilt, "It was my idea though, so I am sorry. Next time we'll check make sure there is nothing wherever we go that'll ruin the trip." You laughed, "So basically we should just go camping inside of a hotel. That's what you're saying."

Harry: There had been a lovely start to the day, before it all changed. You and Harry put up the tent together, laughing as you did. You cooked food over the open fire. You even went hiking on a long trail, enjoying the lovely scenery as you did. So when it began to rain, after all of that, you weren't really upset. "So what if the park is closing, and that means we'll have to leave. We had an amazing day, and I don't mind not sleeping out here as well." Harry had felt disappointment when the storm began, but hearing you say that, he was quick to agree, "That's true. We have had a good day." You nodded, and wrapped your arms around him, "It was the best camping trip ever, even if it only lasted a few hours." Harry couldn't help but laugh at that, "Maybe next time if we're here longer than a few hours, it'll be even better. Truly the best camping trip ever."

Louis: "Why did we think it was such a brilliant idea to go camping?" you questioned Louis, as you both struggled to put up the tent. This was something neither of you were great at, though of course you both tried to claim you could before this trip. "You said you knew how to do this!" Louis exclaimed, looking at the mess of a tent. You rolled your eyes, "Oh, you knew I was lying. You said that too don't forget." "Didn't you watch the movie? Of course I don't know how to do this. I just watch," he answered, feeling like you should have known he was lying as well. You sighed, and knew it was hopeless, you would never put the tent up, "So what do you say we just roast some marshmallows, and then head home?" Louis shook his head, "No way, let's just call someone else to come too. Then they can put the tent up." You weren't sure about that idea. "Well it won't be the same with someone else here. Not the weekend we planned... but sure, at least we'll still get to camp that way."

Niall: "You never once thought to remember where we parked?" you laughed, as after packing up from your two day camping trip, Niall had said he wasn't sure he knew how to get back to where you'd started. Now all you could do was laugh. "I think it was that way," he said, pointing west, "But it could have been the other...." You continued to laugh, and looked at the food you'd brought along with you, "Well at least we have food for a few more days. Let's try one way, and if it's wrong, we'll sleep here again, and try the other the next." Niall smiled at you, and felt a lot better than he had only moments ago. You had a way of making him feel okay, even when he should have felt awful. "You are so amazing." You paused for a moment, then continued, "Let's start walking. If it's the wrong way, we'll need time to set up camp for the night." You nodded, and grabbed his hand, "is it horrible if I'm kind of hoping we go the wrong way?" Niall shook his head, and smirked, "I'm kind of hoping that too."

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