#52 Girl Almighty

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Harry: "I'm so tired of hearing everyone's comments about [Y/N]." You heard Harry saying those words to someone, while you walked up to the dressing room he was currently in. And then the person, who you now realized was Niall, answered him. Neither of them noticed you standing there. "I know people are rude to her, but they don't even know her." "They don't," Harry agreed, and you tried to zone out their words. You knew people disliked you, but you did not need to hear Harry and Niall actually talking about it. "Some say, "She's such a fake." Or they say that her love is made up. Everything they say is so wrong, and I wish they could see that she's not fake, and she really does love me." Your sadness over their words changed quickly at how sure Harry sounded about how he knew you felt, and your smile grew even more when Niall replied to him. "We see that too. We know she loves you. So ignore them, and make sure she does too."

Niall: "Niall, stop," you laughed, as Niall pointed a water gun at you, and soaked you completely. Having fun like this, just the two of you, seemed to be so rare. It was the middle of summer, and that meant Niall was normally a world away somewhere about to get on a stage, but for once he was off for a few days, and home with you. "I'm having so much fun," you randomly said, as he was refilling the gun with water. His smiled shined a little more when he looked at you, "Me too." He wished you could do this more often. Just have a day off to be normal kids goofing off. It was so rare that he wasn't busy. But he knew one day he'd have more time off, and then you could do all this, if you still wanted to. "Let's pray we stay young," He paused for a moment after saying that. "stay made of lightning." "Made of lightning?" You asked, with a short laugh, "I love that sound of that. Made of Lightning. Yes, let's stay exactly like that. You and me, made of lightning."

Zayn: When Zayn asked you out, you instantly panicked. You did have feelings for him, strong ones, but the thought that what you already had with him, an amazing friendship being ruined, was a horrible thought for you. And you saw it as the only ending to how this could go. "Love is just tricky, and it never works in the end. People get hurt, people cry, hate each other. Is any of it really worth it? I care about you so much, and I don't want to ruin what we have by trying to turn this into love. It's just not worth it." Zayn shook his head the moment you were done with your speech, "No, I don't believe that it's not worth it. I don't believe that it never works in the end. Love can work, and it can last. It just have to be the right people. Am I am the only... only believer?" You hated to be so negative about love. It seemed lovely, but you just didn't trust in it. "I just don't think it's real." "It is," Zayn assured you, "And maybe we would have that real love. Shouldn't we at least try?"

Liam: "Please don't leave me," Liam begged, as he watched you packing your bags. One fight to many had pushed you to this, and you didn't need to hear his begging. "Liam, I'm doing what is right." "It doesn't feel right," he responded, as he stood next to your suitcase you were throwing your things into, "I love you, and you said you love me. We have to try more, and not give up over stupid fights." "It's not stupid fights," you sighed, placing your things down next to you, with a pain in your heart you hated, "It's things that are showing us this will never work. We are not meant to be, as much as we both want it to be differently." Liam did not want to believe that, and shook his head, "We both want it to be differently, because we know the truth. Stupid fights shouldn't tear us apart. Everyone fights. The ones who are meant to be just stay together through them." He got down on his knees, "Please [Y/N], I get down on my knees for you. Just don't give up just yet."

Louis: "We've been recording a new song," Louis told you, as the two of you drove home one day. You had spent the day out shopping with friends, while he had been recording. You would have loved to stay with him all day, but knew you were just in the way, and did not need to be there. "Oh really? Do I think I'll like it?" He glanced at you for only a moment, before staring back at the road, "I do. It makes me think of you a lot." "It does?" you laughed, "It must be horrible then." "Completely," Louis joked back, and then you both smiled at each other. "Seriously though, it's good?" you asked, knowing you had never disliked any of their songs. So how would this be any different? "Yeah, and there's one line I really love. Her light is as loud as as many ambulances." You had the most confused look on your face, when Louis stopped at a red light, "What?" "It also has part about the girl floating through the room on a big balloon." He laughed at the look on your face, "Trust me, it's better than it sounds." "I'm sure it is," you responded, "I guess I just need to hear it. And yes, that's a hint."

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