#62 Picking a name for you first child

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Liam: It was a decision you would have to agree on at some point. However, for 2 months now, you and Liam had gone back and forth on names for your little girl. "What about Abigail?" he suggested, and you shook your head, "Why? It's a cute name, and we'd finally be done." "It doesn't feel right for our daughter," you sighed, flipping through the baby book you had read a million times now, "Are we are even going to agree?" Liam laughed nervously, "We better." You looked down at your belly, and took a deep breath, "This is not easy. How do some people just know all along?" Liam shook his head, because he had no idea. He grabbed the book you were holding, and began flipping through it, "What about Claire?" "No." "[Y/N], we need to agree on something." You sighed again, and nodded, "I know, I know... What about Olivia?" Liam didn't know if he loved that, but he didn't automatically say no either. "Maybe..."

Harry: "What do you want to name him?" Harry asked you, after you asked him the exact same question. "No, I asked first. I really want to hear your suggestions." "Well, I do like Thomas. I know it's really popular, and you didn't want a popular name though." You nodded at that, and sighed. You did not want a popular name, you always said that, but you were drawn to Thomas as well. It was a classic name, and you thought it would fit a mini Harry perfectly. "It is so popular, a top ten name," you stated, as you closed your eyes and thought of the little boy that you would give birth to in such a short time, "But it does feel right, and it being popular shouldn't stop us from using it. We both love it, right?" Harry nodded, when you looked at him, "It's something we both like, and can agree on." It was your turn to nod, as you thought it over in your mind. Thomas Styles. It sounded nice. "Let's just do it then. Thomas. That's his name."

Niall: "Rhyming names? No! Niall, we can't," you laughed, as Niall suggested crazy names for your twins. "Why not?" "Because they will hate us at some point if we do," you continued to laugh, as you repeated his names in your mind, "If we love them at all, we will not name them that." He pretended to be offended, but really knew all along that it was a horrible suggestion. "Well, what do you have?" "I was thinking a lot about this, and I would love if they had Irish names. So I did some research, and I really like Kathleen and Finn. Those are my favorites, and I could see that on our twins." You knew he loved the names, when a huge smile crossed Niall's face. "You knew I would love that." "I did," you nodded, while a smile spread across your face as well, "So that's decided then? That's the names?" Niall thought about it for less than a second, before agreeing, "Yes, that's their names."

Louis: "What about something really cool," Louis said, as the two of you sat with a baby name site on your laptop in front of you. "What is your definition of cool? Because I am not naming my baby some weird celebrity name Louis." He laughed after you said that, "No, nothing weird. Just not some normal either. Something cool." "What is cool?" you questioned, still expecting to hear some crazy name that no one normal would ever name their child. "What about... I don't know. Let's look.." he grabbed your laptop, and went through many, many names before pointing at one, "Genevieve. That's pretty." "And that's odd?" "How many do you know?" You thought about that, and nodded, "True, but it's not odd." "So, what do you say?" It was your turn to laugh now, "I think we need to think about it a little more. I do like that name though, I do see our little Genevieve running around. And it's French, like the name Louis, so that's cool." "Let's go with it then. Genevieve Tomlinson."

Zayn: You were for some reason scared to say your favorite names, scared that Zayn would hate them. You were so set on what you wanted to name your little boy, and the thought of Zayn hated it, and saying no, it hurt. You would never name your child something you didn't both love though. "Please be honest, but no laughing. Remember these are my favorite names," you started slowly, as Zayn sat listening to you so carefully. "I promise I won't laugh [Y/N]. What's the names?" "Well I'll just tell you one, and see what you think of it. And I had a lot, but this one felt right for our child. Something that seems right for both of us. A name it should have, and I don't know..." "[Y/N], would you just tell me." "Fine, what about Taj?" Zayn could see you'd put a lot of thought into this. It was not something you'd just thought of randomly, and chose. "I really like that name." "Could you see our little boy with it?" He nodded his head, "I can."

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