#67 You lost your phone

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Harry: You were completely panicking. How could you misplace it? You never let it out of your sight, and of course the one time you did, it was gone. "I have so much on it," you exclaimed, once more looking around, as if it would suddenly appear. Harry was calm though, as you panicked, "[Y/N], it's okay." "It's not!" You countered, thinking of all the information stored on the small little device, "Our address. Your number. All the boys' numbers. Everything is on that phone. If someone gets in unlocked, they have so much." Harry already knew all of that, and still didn't care, "The boys and I will change our numbers. We do all the time anyway. It's not a big deal, I promise. And as much as we'd like to ignore it, people do know were we live already. Nothing on your phone was that important." You glanced around once more, and ignoring his words, you sighed sadly, "I'm so sorry. I feel so stupid." "Don't. It really is okay." 

Liam: It was at a concert. You did not remember putting it down. You did not even remember using it at all, and yet it was gone. No matter how long you searched for it, it was clear it was gone, and you'd have to get a new one. "You don't remember at all where it could be?" Liam asked you, having been told by you what was going on, only minutes ago when he came off the stage. You were tossing things around the room, still hoping it would turn up in some odd place, "No. I don't. I don't think I even used it. I never do at concerts." "Well what did you do tonight?" You stopped searching, and looked towards him with tears in your eyes. It was just a phone, of course, but you were still upset. "Other than go out and watch the..." You froze, instantly picturing the people all around you, "Someone took it! They must have. Right out of my pocket." Liam laughed, "That's why we never have our phones where anyone can see them. It's okay, we'll cancel it right now. We can use mine to call and do that." 

Louis: "I've got it a week ago. There's no way it's gone!" You exclaimed, as you came to realization that you had left your phone in the city you and Louis had been in the day before, but were not thousands of miles away. It was long gone now, lost somewhere in a city you would never see again, or at least not for a long time. Louis tried so hard not to laugh, as he replied, "The one you have been glued to since the moment you got it?" "It's really not funny," you snapped, so mad at yourself. You had just spent so much to get a new phone, and would now have to do that all over again. Louis wanted to feel bad for you, but really he thought it was hilarious. "It really is funny though," his laughter finally left his mouth, "You were so glued to it, and yet you lost it. Come on, you have to admit it's funny." Right now, you didn't think so. Maybe later that would change, but not right now. Right now you were just angry at yourself for leaving it behind. "Whatever Louis."

Niall: It was your third phone this year. Traveling just made it so hard to keep track of. One day you were in one place, the next you were across the world. If you placed your phone down, and forge about it for ever an hour, odds were it was long gone. "This is getting ridiculous," you exclaimed, after using Niall's yet again to cancel yours, "I try so hard to keep track of it, how do I keep doing this? You must think I'm insane when it comes to phones." "Well," Niall laughed, as you handed him back his phone; the same one he'd gotten over a year and a half ago, "I don't know. But seriously [Y/N], maybe you should glue it to you." You rolled your eyes, "It would probably fall out of the case, and I'd still lose it." "True," Niall agreed, "So how long this time until my phone is totally mine again?" "Two weeks," you sighed, "And please, don't remind me everyday not to lose yours." "I won't," he replied, and then smiled as he continued, "But please don't lose it."

Zayn: "Babe, did you lose your phone?" Zayn asked you, when he came home one day after a long day of recording. "Why?" You asked, knowing you did, but not sure how he would know that already. You had told no one. It wasn't something you were worried about. You were upset, of course, but knew there was no way you would find it now. And worrying about it now wouldn't change that. "Because," he began, "I got a few calls from you today, but when I answered, I would just hear this weird gasping and after the 2nd time I realized it was not your idea of a joke." Your eyes went wide, as laughter fell from your lips, "I guess a fan found it?" "Apparently," Zayn agreed, "Don't you have a lock on that thing?" Your face went red, as you shook your head, "No..." Zayn rolled his eyes, and laughed, "So some fan got everyone's number?" You nodded, trying so hard not to laugh at the situation, "Pretty much."

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