#76 You go into labor

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Liam: "I'm so scared," you admitted, as Liam was trying to get everything together to go to the hospital. You had been preparing for this moment for months now, but being prepared did not mean you were ready to go and give birth to your little girl. Parenthood was such a big change, one that you still felt so scared of. Liam stopped rushing around the house, and came to your side, just as you began to have a strong contraction, "It's okay [Y/N]. Just think of our daughter, and how amazing she'll be. Don't think of the scary parts. Just her." "Our daughter - our baby..." you closed your eyes, and tried to picture her, and somehow that did make your nerves better, "She's going to be so perfect."

Harry: He was very late. Your due date had come and gone, and two more weeks went by, and still your son was stubbornly staying put. He was just not ready to come out and meet you and Harry, he didn't have a choice though. It was just getting too dangerous to keep him in much longer. Your doctor did not want you to wait a day longer; and so you were now in a hospital being induced. "Now you have no choice to meet me and your mum," Harry joked, speaking at your stomach. "I'm shocked our son is so shy," you responded, the jokes taking some of your nerves away, which was nice in a situation like this, "I guess this means he may not be our little rockstar after all."

Louis: You were not due for another two weeks, so it didn't seem like a huge risk for Louis to leave town for just the day to go and do a few things. He had things to do before your daughter came, that he could not do from home. He did not want to leave your side, but you'd promised him everything was fine. It was only one day, and you were weeks away from giving birth, so you thought it was no big deal. He had been gone only two short hours though, when you realized how wrong that was. "I'm in labor," you screamed, when Louis answered his phone. He had been just about to get onto the plane when he'd notice it ringing, and though normally he would have waited until it landed to call you back, he answered it now, and was so thankful he had, "I'm leaving the airport now. I'll be right there."

Niall: You had been told that when you went into labor, it would probably happen slowly. That it would probably not happen like it does in the movies, and it would be anything but suddenly. So you were not at all prepared to be laying in bed with Niall and feel water gushing out of you. "Niall, I think - I feel like my water broke. They said that doesn't happen though." Niall had been asleep, but heard you, and was quick to sit up, "What?" You were not questioning now, you knew it was happening, "We have go to. It's time." Niall knew you couldn't wait another minute, with twins it was even more important to get you to the hospital as soon as possible. He quickly jumped out of bed, and grabbed your hospital bag. "We're about to become parents!"

Zayn: You had been feeling contractions for over 3 hours, but you didn't think they were real. You thought they were just little ones, and nothing to tell you that you were in labor. You still had a week to go, and you were so afraid of false labor. "The pain is really bad," you finally admitted to Zayn, as another wave of contractions hit you, "I think I'm in labor, but I don't know." As you were saying that it got worse, and you doubled over in pain. "We need to go," Zayn had no doubt you were in labor. He'd never seen you in this much pain before. "I think this has to be it." You nodded, unable to speak, the pain was just too strong. You hadn't realized how bad it was until now, when you finally admitted it was happening. "Let's go please. I don't want you to have our son in the car."

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