#26 Still The One

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Liam: Getting a phone call in the middle of the day, from the ex you had not spoken to in over 6 months, was not what you expected at all. You hesitated to answer it. It was probably just a wrong number. A name near yours he was trying to call, and instead hit yours. Hesitating or not, you did answer the phone, and then you froze. It had been so long since you had heard his voice. Were you ready to relive the pain of losing him all over again when he hung up? "Hello? [Y/N]?" Silence followed Liam's words. "Hello?" "Hi," you finally got out, unable to say a word more than that. On the other end of the line, you could hear Liam take a deep breath, before choosing his words carefully, "I know it's been a while. Longer than a while, it's been too long. Six months was too long. I'm sorry. I am so sorry." Liam paused for a second. He was trailing off from the point of all this, and needed to get back to that, "Anyway, I know it's been a while, but, Baby, I got something that I really wanna let you know." You heard nothing other than him calling you baby again. It felt like a lifetime since you'd heard that word fall from his lips. "[Y/N], I miss you. A lot. I don't know how you feel, and I'll understand if you don't return these feelings anymore. I miss you though, and I just wanted to let you know."

Louis: Louis' friends were your friends, and your friends were his. There were very few people who were friends with one, and not the other. That is what made your breakup so hard on not only the two of you, but everyone around you. No one wanted to pick sides, they cared about both of you. You needed to vent though. And you did. Loudly, and to any friend who was willing to listen. You were hurt, horribly hurt, and had no desire to keep that hidden. All of this got back to Louis; all the words you would say, he knew. For a while, they didn't bother him. They couldn't. He had to convince himself that leaving you was the right thing to do. Seeing you though, after only 5 weeks, his thoughts were only on all the things he had been told. "You say to everybody that you hate me." The pain you felt was obvious, as you replied, "I do." "I couldn't blame you, 'cause I know I left you all alone. I deserve that." "You do," you responded, trying not to cry. He didn't deserve to see your tears. He already knew how hurt you were, he didn't need even more proof. "I am sorry [Y/N]. I handled it horribly, I know. I really regret a lot. I hope you can forgive me." "Regret doesn't change that you hurt me, and I don't forgive you," you snapped, before turning away. The tears began to fall the moment you did. He was sorry. You hated that. It was much easier to hate him, when he wasn't sorry at all.

Niall: "Hello, hello." Hearing those words, you dug your fingers into the book you were reading, and glared in the direction they came from. It was not the words themselves that instantly angered you, but the voice they belonged to. You were home trying to relax, and did not want to deal with this right now. Niall, your ex, who you at one point shared your flat with, was there. You did not want to see him. You wanted nothing to do with Niall. You still held so much anger for being dumped, and had no desire to hear yet another apology. He had tried a million times to win you back, but you were done. "Just go away Niall," you snapped, as you slammed your book shut. "I had to come get the last bit of my things," he replied, while placing a few DVDs and CDs into a box. "Well just get it all, and go," you responded, tossing your book down beside you. Niall stopped what he was doing, and looked at you, "You know, I'm still really hoping you'll forgive me. I keep talking, begging... just tell me what I wanna hear. Please forgive me. I messed up, I know. Can't we try again?" You would be lying to yourself if you said the thought didn't seem nice. Just to start over. You just couldn't do it though. "Don't forget your CDs in the bedroom also."

Harry: "Move on Harry, it's for the best," you sighed sadly, after your ex told you yet again how much he missed you. How badly he wanted to rewind time, and change what happened. It had been almost a year now, and he still regretted the moment everything had fallen apart. "I tried," he replied honestly. He had another girlfriend for a while, and a few dates here and there, but nothing ever really worked. They were not you. It was that simple for him. "I'll try to start again, and find somebody. I'll start to think, maybe this time I can move on..." he stopped, and just stared at your face. He would never forgive himself for letting you go. He still loved you so much. "But I remember all the times, and all the words we said. I can't get it out of my head. I'm with someone else, and all I can think about is you." Your heart ached. You didn't like how hard this still was on him. You had been there for a long time as well. It was hard to move on. You finally had though, and hoped he would as well. "I know it's hard, trust me I do. I was there Harry. I remember it all too. You have to move on though. One day you'll find someone so much better than me, who is perfect for you. I'm not the one, as much as you might think I am."

Zayn: For weeks now you refused to speak to Zayn. You knew he wanted to see you. You'd gotten many text, listened to the voicemails, and heard from friends about how badly Zayn wanted to speak to you. He was, however, your ex who dumped you for reasons you never learned. You had no desire to speak to him. After all these weeks though, you decided to just speak to him. If he could say what he wanted, and you could tell him your thoughts, things could be truly over once and for all. So now you were sitting face to face with him, waiting for him to speak. "I was so stupid [Y/N], for letting you go. But I-I-I," he was stuttering over his words, so nervous telling you all of this, "I know you're still the one. You might have moved on, but girl, you should know that I know you're still the one. I don't just think it, I know you are the one. I know I'm saying too much right now, and I should shut up, but I will never give up. I was so stupid." Thoughts refused to form in your mind, as you tried to wrap your mind around what he was saying. Zayn spoke again, after an awkward silence, "You're looking at me unsure, and I know, I should've seen it before. You're all I think about, Baby." Another silence filled the room, and only minutes later, were you finally able to reply, with the first coherent thought you could, "I haven't moved on."

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