#20 BSM: You're adopted, and he hates you

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Niall: "You snap at your sister no matter what she does, you do realize that, don't you?" A friend asked Niall, after noticing the way Niall acted towards you. "I don't," Niall shrugged, having not noticed his actions towards you. "You do. What did she do? Just annoying sister stuff?" Niall did not answer his friend. He just sat there, thinking of what the true reply would be. No, you did not do anything annoying, like some younger siblings would do. You were always sweet. His anger towards you, an anger he never realized he had until now, was over things you did not control. His friend laughed, "Mine always takes my stuff, and it's aggravating. She could just ask me." Niall nervously laughed at that, and then tried to reply honestly, without sounding as horrible as he felt, "I never realized how I treat her. I got so mad when my parents brought her home, and I never got over that I guess. It felt like I was being replaced, which is stupid I know." "It's been a long time," his friend responded, not commenting on what she thought of his thoughts. "Maybe now would be a good time to let that go, and treat your sister better."

Liam: "Why do you hate me? After 18 years, I just want to know why? What did I ever do to you?" You shot question after question at your brother, who for as long as you could remember held something against you. Something you did not understand. "Tell me what I did, so I can fix it. I don't want my brother to hate me." Liam had felt this way for so long,  that his reason had long left his mind. It was more a habit now than anything else. "I don't know." "You don't know why you hate me? You don't know why you treat me like you wish I weren't here?" You felt so much pain, as you stared at your brother, still hopeful for an answer, "Please just tell me." "It was-it was over the fact I didn't want them to adopt you. I felt like we should have been asked, instead of just forced to accept a new baby sister." Your voice cracked, when you responded, "And you took it out on me? All of this? All because you were mad at Mum and Dad?" "As a kid, it seemed logical." "And now?" He shrugged, "Habit." "Do you think it can change? One day, will you ever not hate me?" You were scared to ask that, but had to know. After a moment, he nodded, "I do hope I actually get to know you, and we can move passed all this. I just hope you don't hate me after all this time."

Louis: "Don't you think it's hard enough to be the odd one out? To always feel a little different, and then you stand there and hate me for it?!" you shouted at Louis, after years of built up anger. He had hated you from the moment you stepped into the family so many years prior, and you were tired of it. You'd done nothing to deserve this, and wanted it to end. "I don't hate you!" "Yes you do!" you argued back, "Don't lie to me! You've made that clear since day one! You have never been the big brother I was so excited to finally have!" Those words hit Louis hard. He knew he was harsh on you, and treated you a little different than the other girls, but it never occurred to him just how differently. "Do you really think I hate you?" "I know you do," you snapped, "You have made that perfectly clear." "I don't. Well I don't think I do," he slowly stated, the past few years rushing through his mind, "I'm sorry. I don't think I can change how I act over night, but I want to. And I don't hate you [Y/N], I promise." You wanted to believe him, but the past told you not to, "Well we'll see."

Zayn: You actually did not know the reason for Zayn's hatred of you. You were kept in the dark about your adoption. You thought it was simple sibling rivalry. Even that though, you did not understand. So one day, after way too long, you asked, "What did I ever do? I just want to know what I did for you to hate me." Zayn was told not to tell you the truth. Everyone was. Suddenly though, the words were slipping out of his mouth, "No, it's because they always treated you so much better, just because you're adopted. It never felt fair. I'm over it now, I don't care, but as a kid I did." Your heart was shattered, and Zayn had no idea until you spoke, "I-I-I'm adopted?" "Yeah," Zayn nodded, regretting his previous words now, as he saw tears in your eyes. It was such a shock to you. "I can't be. They would have told me!" "No, they kept it a secret, and treated you as the favorite." You couldn't deny you were treated better than your siblings. You were the baby though, so that had always been your excuse. Now it made more sense. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I'm sorry." You began to sob, unsure how you felt about this news. Zayn may have felt a lot of anger towards you, but your were still his baby sister, and he did not want to see you hurt. He quickly pulled you into a hug, and apologized himself, "I shouldn't have told you like that. I'm sorry."

Harry: Harry did not want to hate you. He tried his best not to, he really did. But he was the baby before you came along. He was used to getting that attention that only the youngest in a family gets. He was the one who was always meant to be the baby. And then you showed up, and everything changed. His anger should have been towards your mom. She was the one who'd changed everything, not you. You were simply there. The new child, trying to fit into a family that already seemed whole without you. By the time he was becoming a household name, you had long accepting you would never be close, and held anger towards him as well. "Why aren't you happy for Harry? Isn't it a little selfish?" Your friends words cut through you. "I'm not unhappy for Harry, I just don't care. He's never treated me kindly, and so I don't care if his band does well or not. That sounds horrible, but I've dealt with him hating me for my entire life. After so long, I just don't care." "Have you talked to Harry about that? He's such a nice person to everyone, and I know you say he hates you, but I think if he was told how he acts, maybe he'd change. Then you could be happy for him." You could have argued back, but instead just shrugged, "No, I haven't. Maybe I will. It won't change though." "It will. If Harry realizes what a jerk he is to you, he'll try to be a better brother. And maybe you can learn why, and fix things too." "I doubt it, but I'll try. It would be nice to actually have a brother for once."

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