#51 Putting up Christmas Lights together

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Niall: When you and Niall decided to hang up lights on your home, you were not going to do it halfway. You bought a million lights, and so did he. Nothing seemed like too much. Standing back and admiring your home though, you were wondering now if maybe it was. "Is it too much?" you asked, while hoping Niall would say no. It may have been, but you loved it anyway. Niall looked at all the lights, and shook his head, but his answer wasn't a complete no, "It might be. I'm sure our neighbors think we're insane." "They probably already do," you shrugged. Niall glanced at the homes near yours, and thought of your neighbors, none of whom you would call friends. "Probably so. And we love our lights, so who cares if it's too much. No one will miss our house now." You jokingly replied, "Well they may not notice there is a house under all the lights." 

Louis: "Those?" you commented, as you helped Louis hang the lights off of your roof. This was your first Christmas in your home together, and your first time seeing the lights he wanted to put up. They were horrible in your opinion, but what he somehow loved. "What's wrong with these?" he asked. He never expected you to not like them. They were lights, what was there to not like? "Well nothing. I just expected something different." "So you don't like them?" he stopped hanging them, and looked over at you, trying to hide his disappointment, "We can get different ones." You shook your head, and laughed. You not loving them was no reason to rush out and get more. It just meant next year you'd be sure to go with him to the store. "No, it's okay. They aren't what I expected, but they're fine. Let's put them up. I'm sure they'll look good when it's all done."

Zayn: You would not be home for Christmas, so putting up lights seem pointless. You wanted to though. The lights were something you had been looking forward to all year, but you didn't even mention them when December came around. Zayn knew how badly you had wanted them though, and so without you knowing he bought more lights and decorations than your home would ever need. "We're decorating," he told you, as he showed you the many things he'd purchased. You laughed, "Why did you buy all of this? We won't even be home. I didn't say anything." "You did months ago. You said how excited you were. We won't be home for Christmas day, but before then we will be. Let's put up the lights together. I hope I got the ones you like." You through your arms around him, "Thank you Zayn."

Liam: "Please be careful," you yelled to Liam, as he walked up on your roof to put up the lights. This just seemed like a bad idea. "Why did you decide we needed lights everywhere?! We can hang them just low on the roof, and you don't need to be up there!" "It'll be pretty," he assured you, but you knew him too well. This wasn't a good idea for him. You stood there nervous the entire time, just knowing something would go wrong. So as he was getting down from the roof when he was done, and slipped, you weren't shocked. Scared, but not shocked. "Liam!" Thankfully, instead of quickly falling to the ground, he was able to grab onto the ladder, and fall only a short distance. "Are you okay?!" He wanted to say yes, but a pain in his arm wouldn't let him, "No. I think my arm..." You tried so hard not to laugh, "I guess you were safe up on the roof, it's the ladder that's dangerous."

Harry: You had big plans. Both you and Harry had plans to go all out for your decorations. He was busy though, and so were you. By the time you were decorating it was last minute, and there wasn't much left in stores. "It's kind of pathetic," you jokingly said, though you did truly mean it. Harry wanted to say something encouraging, but the lights on your home were pretty horrible. "Well we could just take them down." "Then we'd have nothing," you answered, with a shake of your head, "No, they'll stay. They may be the worst lights ever, but they are ours. I can guarantee no one else will have the same." Harry laughed, "No, most people try to make sure their lights match, and actually go around the entire house." "Ours are unique," you responded, before turning to him, "Next year we need to put up our lights in October."

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