#121 BSM: You just got dumped

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Harry: "I love him," you cried into Harry's arms. Your brother was trying to comfort you over your recent breakup, but you were crying so hard, all he could really do was hug you. Speaking was pointless. Your sobs drowned out his words. After four years of being with your ex, you were crushed for it to all end. The worst part for you was, it had come so suddenly. One day you were happy together, and the next he said he thought you should see other people. You were in shock, and so utterly hurt. "I don't understand," you sobbed, so glad to have Harry there to cry to. He wasn't home often, but you needed him now, and you were glad he was there for you. Sure all he was doing was hugging you, and not really saying a word to help. That was all you needed though. You just needed to know someone cared about you, while you felt so horribly down.

Niall: "I bet he's seeing someone else," you cried to Niall, as you thought over why your ex would have dumped you, when you thought things had been going so well. "You don't know that," Niall calmly told you, hiding the anger he felt towards your ex for hurting you, "And if he is, he's even more of an idiot than I already think he is." You barely heard what Niall was saying, you were too caught up in your own awful thoughts, "She's probably prettier than me." "[Y/N], stop that," Niall told you, moving you so you were looking directly at him and forced to actually pay attention to his words, "If he is seeing someone else, he is just an idiot who didn't realize how great you are. You'll find a better guy one day, I promise." You wanted to believe Niall, but he's your brother; he has to tell you nice things. So instead of believing him, you just shrugged sadly, "It just feels like it won't happen." Niall understood how you felt, and nodded, "I know, but one day, just trust me, you'll be okay again." "I hope so."

Zayn: It wasn't a serious relationship. In fact you weren't even sure you'd call him your boyfriend. Being dumped though, no matter how soon it happened, hurt. "He never even tried," you explained to Zayn, trying to understand your feelings, "I was really falling for him, and then he just dumped me for no reason." "I'm sorry [Y/N]." That was all Zayn said, because he really didn't know what to tell you. He knew heartbreak was something that you just had to slowly get over. There was nothing he could say to make you feel better. "Do you think anyone will ever really want to date me?" you asked, so scared that this was how things would be. No guy would ever really want to be with you. Zayn was quick to assure you that wasn't true though, "Of course you will! Don't ever think you won't, just because some guys are jerks. Give it time, and you will. I'm sure."

Liam: Liam always hated your ex. He could see that he didn't treat you right. He saw the way you loved him, but he did not return the feelings. So when you got dumped, he was actually relieved. Of course he hid that from you, but he couldn't help but feel glad that you were no longer in that relationship. He hated how hurt you were though, "[Y/N], don't cry over him, he's not worth your tears." So many had told you that, but it didn't take your pain away, "But I love him, and I miss him." Liam knew that was true, and so he chose his next words carefully, not wanting to hurt you further, "I know you do. I know how much you love him, but you deserve better." "I hate when people say that," you told him, unable to count the amount of people who'd told you those exact words, "What makes me so much better than him?" "Honesty? Everything. You're kind, and you actually love him, and you deserve someone who will love you back, and who is nice to you. Those are basic things to deserve [Y/N]." Those words meant nothing to you then, as you were too heartbroken to listen. Liam hoped though, one day, you'd realize he was right.

Louis: You and your ex dated for over 2 years. Everyone thought you were both so, so happy. So when Louis heard that you'd been dumped, he rushed over to see you, to make sure you were okay. "I'm fine," you assured him, when he showed up at your front door, shocked to see you seemed 100% okay. "How?" he asked, stunned. It wasn't that he wanted to see you hurt, it's just that he truly expected it. Everyone had. You and your ex had been close to marriage, and now you seemed fine with him walking away. You had your reasons for being fine though, "We were fighting. We had grown apart. Honestly Louis, I think we were always just friends, who tried to be more. He's a good guy, but when he dumped me, I wasn't hurt. We both should find real love, and not settle." Louis didn't quite understand all that you were trying to explain, but he realized he should just be glad you weren't crying and hurt, "I'm glad. I'm really surprised, but I'm glad you're okay." "I really am," you smiled, "Thanks for worrying about me."

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