He cheats on you for months while on tour Part 2

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Niall: The amount you missed Niall drove you crazy. You shouldn't miss him, you told yourself repeatedly. he cheated on you. He hurt you. Why would you ever miss that? You did though. Every single day something happened to make you miss him more. Finally, after weeks of this, you gave in. Partly. "Hey," Niall said, shocked to have just seen your name appear on his phone. He wanted to say more than that, having so much he wanted to tell you, but didn't know where to start. "Before you talk," you quickly said, while he was busy trying to find his words, "I want you to know I don't want you back. I never could. Not after... I would never trust you, and I deserve better." Niall still did not speak. He was even more unsure of what to say now. Why would you call him, just to repeat what he already knew? "I miss you though," you admitted, finally saying what you'd held back for weeks now, "I miss you a lot. And I can't trust you, but I still want you in my life. Do you think, well do you think we could be friends? Work towards that? I don't know. I just need you in my life." Niall missed you just as badly, and would do anything to have you in his life again, "Of course. We can be friends. Or try to be. I miss you too."

Liam: You never spoke to Liam. Your best friend called for you, yelled at him, and ended it all. You just couldn't. How could you speak to the man who shattered your heart into a million tiny pieces? That is how you felt for a while after everything happened, but you needed to hear an explanation, as if there could possibly be one. You had to talk to him eventually. "I think I'm ready to call him myself," you stated, as you stared at his contact in your phone, "I have to." Taking a deep breath, you hit his name, and put the phone to your ear. You didn't know if you could hold it together when you heard his voice, but you were going to find out. "[Y/N]?" Hearing him say your name hesitantly, you felt as if your heart shattered all over again. "I just need to know why. Why did you hurt me?" You heard him swallow hard, and take a deep breath, before slowly speaking, "I'm sorry. It's cliche to say, but it just happened. I didn't want to break up over the phone either, I wanted to do it face to face. I thought it was better." You couldn't help but laugh sarcastically at that, "Yeah, so much better to find out through pictures of you all over her." "I'm sorry. I know that doesn't fix anything, but I am." Sorry fixed nothing. Not in this situation. "Next time, dump the girl. Over the phone or not, it's better to know the truth than this." 

Zayn: "It wasn't that many times," Zayn tried to convince you. He swore it was only twice. As if that was somehow better to hear. The other girl though, she told you it was much more than that. They'd been seeing each other for months. "Just tell me the truth!" You yelled at him, hating that even when caught, he wouldn't admit the truth to you. "I'm sorry, I don't want to lose you," he replied, though he knew that was going to be hard to fight. He could tell already that you were long gone, and he was fighting for nothing. And when you screamed back at him, replying to the words he'd just said, he heard exactly what he knew he would. "You don't want to lose me?! Then don't cheat on me! I'm not the girl who is going to stay just because! If you can't be faithful, then I can find someone else who will be." "Give me another chance," he begged, knowing any other words he said just dug him further into the hole he was already in. You rolled your eyes, as your anger grew, "You truly think I would do that?! You're still lying to me right now, and then asking for another chance?! No. I'm not giving it to you. I'm worth more than this, and I know that. I loved you. No, I love you. I still love you so, so much. I just can't stay. I can't do this."

Louis: Louis called you repeatedly. He wanted to talk things out, because he thought that was still an option. How could this just truly be over, after everything you'd been through together? "I just want to talk [Y/N], please answer," he said into your voicemail. He lost track of how many messages he had left now, but it was many. You needed space to think, but he knew space could mean truly goodbye forever. He was so scared to lose you. You couldn't talk to him though. You didn't trust your voice to sound strong if you did. A text worked though, and so you just sent a long one, that took many hours of re-writing before you hit send. "I am done Louis. Stop calling me. I love you. I know you love me. It doesn't fix what you did. You had your MONTHS of fun. MONTHS Louis. Not a one time 'I'm sorry, it was a mistake' thing. No, it was months. You can't expect me to forgive you. I won't. I love you, but I won't. Please understand that. If you loved me as much as I love you, you wouldn't have done that knowing it would hurt me the way it has. So goodbye Louis."Louis must have read your text twenty times within just the first five minutes. It was very final. He knew now, that was it. He'd really blown it. He didn't reply this time, or call again. He just sat there, and felt horrible. He wanted to say sorry, but didn't this time. Not again. It was over. He had to accept that.

Harry: It took many months for you to not breakdown crying at the thought of what happened. It was made worse by the entire world knowing. You could not go anywhere without a pity look, or a glare. Either people felt bad that you were cheated on, or they hated you for 'breaking Harry's heart.' You dealt with many emotions in that short timeframe, but that was finally over now. Things were getting back to normal in your life. A normal without Harry, which if you were honest never really felt normal. It was though, and you were happy again. So when Harry showed up at your door, you felt anger more than anything. "I'm finally happy again! You can't just show up!" He knew you were happy again. Mutual friends had informed him of that fact, and it was the only reason he was there. "I know you are, and that's why I waited until now. I didn't want to show up when you were still hurt, and make it worse." "So you wait until I'm happy, to make me feel that way again?" You snapped, feeling that piece of your heart breaking all over again. That was not his intention though. "No, no, I wanted... I wanted to wait until you were okay, to try and fix things. Not romantically. I have long accepted I screwed that up, and I'm sorry you had to deal with anything you shouldn't have. I want to fix things though, and just know we're okay. I hate the thought of us ending so horribly." Your anger did not vanish when he said that, "So you want to fix your conscience? You have a lot of work to do if you think there's a way to fix this, and somehow make a friendship." "I know that, and I'm going to work hard at that." You knew Harry, and you knew he would, "Okay then. Prove it to me."

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