Chapter 10

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Thank God I was off the next day, I get up and realized that it was 10 am, oh shit I slept in

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Thank God I was off the next day, I get up and realized that it was 10 am, oh shit I slept in. I go down the stairs and see Santi watching TV.

"Good morning, Ari," he says while eating cereal.  "Good morning kid, do you want to go for a run right now? I could take you to the park afterward if you want?" he nods his head gets you and gives me a hug.

"As much I love your hugs, what's that about?" I kneel to him and he says something that ultimately breaks my heart. "I just miss you that's it, after you were hurt a couple of years ago I wanted to make sure that I would try to spend as much time with you as I can."

"Ohh santi, come here." I spin him around in a hug and place him down. "I know that sometimes I get hurt at work, but I'm not going anywhere, You're stuck with me for a long time. How long have you been feeling like this?"

"After the tsunami, Dad and Tio Apollo took me to see you and I felt like I wasn't going to see you again." his head dropped, he could barely look me in the face. "Listen, Santi, you can come see me whenever you want but ask your dad for permission before he kills me and starts asking where you are, okay? I love you so much." I start to tickle him on the couch and he starts begging for me to stop. "I love you too Ari." he kisses my cheek and goes to get changed.

Santi is a quiet kid, he has severe social anxiety, he barely talks around other kids but he's comfortable around his family. His mom left when he was three because the bitch couldn't handle taking care of a kid, her kid. He has grown up to be the sweetest kid ever, I knew what I had gotten myself into when I joined the Air Force and the LAFD but I didn't realize how much it had affected the other people in my life. Wondering each day if I'd make it back alive, I've had enough of my past taking over me, I want to start making those happy memories.

Me and Santi started to jog before he started to run, I started to run after him and once we made it to the park he went to the swings. "Eddie? Buck? Whatcha doing here?"

"Christopher, he wanted to go to the park, let me guess Santi too?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised that he's talking to Christopher with such ease. Santi as you can tell is a very shy kid, and sometimes I get worried about how he communicates with others. But Christopher is such a sweet kid so I'm not worried at all right now, but he can get aggressive when people are mean to his friends."

"Looks like he gets that from his aunt, you know he looks like you more than your brother," Buck admits. "I can see that a little bit. You two look like a young couple watching over your kid, how lovely."

"Why thank you." Buck smiles and Eddie adds a comment. "looks like they were meant to be best friends." Eddie smiles at both kids and they both begin to bother me about what happened last. "You ever thought about becoming a professional singer?"

"No, I very much adore my privacy and I can't sing for shit, I'll stick to saving lives, I'll be saving someone's ears from hearing me sing." I keep my eyes on both boys from any kind of danger. "Don't be so hard on yourself but I did do better." Buck tries to act cool but me and Eddie start laughing. "I guess smiling and laughing in public is becoming a habit huh? Can we hear a thank you, Eddie and Buck?" Eddie runs his fingers through his hair trying to act oblivious.

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now