Chapter 58

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"Artemis, hen you take the roof, buck we're gonna come at him on the inside

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"Artemis, hen you take the roof, buck we're gonna come at him on the inside." We start climbing up the ladder to the roof, when we arrived on scene it was a girl's Quinceañera, which is the celebration of a Hispanic or latina girl's fifth teen birthday. I thought the call was in relation to someone at the party, turns out it was someone who was stuck on a roof that had no relation to that party. "Sir, sir, can you hear me?" Hen quickly puts on her gloves and checks his pulse. "Easy there, you don't wanna exacerbate your injuries. What's your name?" I ask while putting on a neck brace. "Lenny."

"What happened? We're you paragliding or something?" Hen takes his blood pressure while I had to keep the conversation going with the victim to make sure he didn't have brain damage. "Wind picked up, tried to avoid some power lines and lost control." His sentences were fast but short. "Pulse is 130, BPs 105/60. Breathing fast but his lungs sound clear." Hen says. "Opening a line, pushing ten grams of morphine. Don't worry Lenny, pretty soon you won't feel a thing."

"I already can't feel my legs." I knew it was a spinal injury, "lumbar injury? Spinal compression?" I ask hen, she was way better at this sorta thing than I was. when I was in the Air Force it was way more difficult to come up with a diagnosis even with the right machines for tests but I'm a bit on the slower end of this compared to hen. "Possibly." She says while she runs a few tests to see if he has feeling in his upper body. "What if my legs are completely done?" I had some empathy when it came to the victims but sometimes I think how stupid some people are to end up in those situations. I don't say it just think it. Like I get it, whatever happens after what you just did is completely out of your control but the way you ended up that way is sometimes questionable.

"We'll have a visual soon enough, okay? Cap, how we looking down there?" I say through the radio, "almost in position." Hen and I were just waiting for his signal until we realized that buck has his radio on but doesn't know it, so we could hear what he was saying. "Uh, hey, cap, I don't want to be insensitive, but, uh does his legs look really short?" Hen and I look at each other immediately and our mouths drop. I would have said the same thing but I would have known if my radio was on. "Buck... we can all hear you." I say to Buck, before he can say something Bobby cuts him off. "Hen, Artemis get down here right now."

We quickly climbed down the ladder and my stomach was turning from the wounds on this man's knees. "Bilateral open knee dislocation. The impact forced the femurs down the knee, landed on his feet." I gaged and turned around, this man's femurs were popped out of his legs, I can hear buck also gagging at the sight of Lenny's legs. I learned a trick in while in the Air Force, alcohol actually helps with the nausea from the sight of open gashes and the smell of blood. I open up a alcohol wipe and smell it then pass it to buck. "What is this- oh this really works."

I take a deep breath and put on another pair of gloves to help hen. "Thinking it's better now that he can't feel them, blood loss isn't that dad, considering he's luck to not sever his femoral arteries." She tells me to grab the splints and she places them behind his legs. "You done gagging?" She asks me and chuckles, "yeah, I uh made the mistake of eating before I came here. Umm, ready for extraction cap." Buck used the chainsaw to get the man out and onto a gurney. As we were walking back to the engine we heard people clapping and the mariachi band playing music.

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now