Chapter 30

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I woke up in Buck's arms, he's a heavy sleeper, no literally another tsunami warning could be announced and he wouldn't wake up

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I woke up in Buck's arms, he's a heavy sleeper, no literally another tsunami warning could be announced and he wouldn't wake up. Our legs were intertwined and my cheek was against his chest. Without moving much I try to reach for my phone and see several missed calls from my brothers, fuck I'm in so much trouble. I try my best to get out of his arms and end up falling off his bed. A loud crash was made and I put my hands on my face in frustration while still lying on the ground. "Oh my god are you okay?" gets up quickly and helps me up. "I'm good, your such a heavy sleeper I couldn't get out of your arms," I call Apollo quickly and without saying anything I know he's pissed. "Hey there, heramnito."

"Don't you "Hey heramnito" me, Artemis, where the hell are you? Do you not know how to pick up the damn phone? I thought something happened to you." He screams at me through the phone. "Sorry, uh I stayed at Eddie's house, small intervention." There's the lie, Eddie could go along with, I'll take him up on that offer after all. "Está bien, but you better have not slept with him or he won't be able to have any more children left."

"Okay, bye." I hung up on him quickly, I saw Buck laughing. "What? Did you want me to tell him the truth? Oh Apollo the truth is that I slept at Bucks apartment, don't worry nothing happened. You heard him loud and clear, you may be bigger than him but would you take on 3 crazy Mexicans? Well two, atlas wouldn't fuck up his face for a little fight." We laugh, and then our phones go off from a text. "You got a text from chim, right?"

"Yep, looks like he has something to announce, could it the gender of baby Han?"

"It's so going to be a boy, I already know." I laugh at his face. "You couldn't be any more wrong, I'm gonna go to work first, well, you know." He nods his head and out of nowhere he picks me up bridal style and spins me around, your making it hard for me to hate you buck." He places a kiss on my lips before putting me down, "Who says you have to hate me?"

"I do, it's a lot more fun and I enjoy being mean to you." He puts me down and I quickly get ready to go to the station, I could get used to waking up next to him, but part of me doesn't like how vulnerable I'm getting with him. I don't like the feeling of vulnerability but with Buck, it's completely different.

I get there to the station and go change quickly and head upstairs to see everyone surrounding chimney. Buck already beat me to it, "Now that everyone is here, spill chimney." Buck says. I get all excited in the inside and start shaking my leg nervously. "Breakfast? I could go for "

"Chimney!" We all yell at him and he prepares himself, the anxiety is building up inside of me, he is nervous too. "Baby Han will be..... a girl." Everyone stands up to congratulate him, afterwards, I go up to Buck and see an annoyed look on his face. "I told you, it was a girl, my intuition is never wrong. In your face Buckley!" I blew a raspberry at him and just by doing that, it made my day. "Okay, okay, you won, what's my punishment?" I say in a low tone, "your not gonna kiss me for a week, since you wanna act all high and mighty."

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now