Chapter 94

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The next day

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The next day....

"Artemis, I hate to uh, wake you up. But how am I supposed to take a shower if there's no hot water." I started laughing immediately, "come with me downstairs." I rubbed my eyes first and got up to take him outside. "You're about to get the full Mexican experience, you have to heat up your the water if you want a hot shower or you can suck it up and take a cold one. You're choice, Buckley." He helps me get a few buckets of water and I started to heat them up one by one. "Well this is gonna be a struggle, I usually take 40 minute showers." I pat his shoulder, "yeah good luck with that." After he takes a shower and he comes out the bathroom shivering, "oh my God, was the water not hot enough? You're freezing."

I grabbed him another towel and wrapped it around him. "Oh it was hot enough, I just ran out and had to use the cold water." Now I just fell bad for him. "You should've told me, I would've brought you more." He was red, bright red, until he started getting hot again because of the temperature. "Let me take a quick shower then we'll go look for what we came for." He nods his head and I go to shower, jokes on him the hot water came back and lets just say I took my sweat time. "Uhh, that was like pretty long time." He touched my arm and felt the warmth, "you had hot water!" He said in disbelief, "maybe...."

I asked to borrow my aunts truck and Andreas drives us to our old house. I had mixed emotions about what we were doing, my stomach was turning the entire time. Buck placed his hand on my knee for reassurance, it was 40 minute drive from my aunts place. I could see our small little house from afar, I tried my best to not let it get to my head. "Let's go in, we don't have all day." I said in a stern voice and Apollo managed to get the door opened. The memories of us running around here having fun and getting abused were flooding in my head. "Start looking around for anything that may look important." I walked to our old room where the four of us slept.

I gulped as I took a step into the place, buck was holding my hand the entire time. "This was my home for a while, I know doesn't seem like much but I loved it here." Some of our things were still there, I looked at the mattress and quickly walked towards it. "What is it?" Buck asked. "My pink bear, my mom gave her to me. Her name was besito, god I can't believe she's still here." I picked her up and placed her in my arms. I gave her a tight squeeze and a smile appeared on my face. "You should take her with you, she still here for a reason Ari, don't let her go." I nodded my head. I soon came out of the room and walked into the living room with the crime happened.

Water was filling up my eyes and it burned, I quickly wiped they away. Seeing the tragedy as I now am older it makes everything worse, we all just stood there watching the floor. "I doubt the gun would be here, he's not that stupid to set himself up. Look around the house for anything that was left over that we would want to rightfully claim, I'm going to go talk to the neighbors." Apollo said, the rest of us started searching every nook and cranny to find something that would make this trip be worthwhile. We knew that we weren't going to find anything but we just wanted answers, "I'm gonna go check outside, there's a river out there. Hopefully I find something." Buck follows me outside, "im starting to realize coming here was probably useless." I cross my arms while throwing rocks into the river.

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now