Chapter 27

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Eddie begins

I was there at Eddie's apartment with Buck we had to arrive at different times because we didn't want Eddie to suspect a thing

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I was there at Eddie's apartment with Buck we had to arrive at different times because we didn't want Eddie to suspect a thing. "Chris is excited to see everyone, he misses them."

"40 years, that's a long time, uh you said he was in oil, right?" I played with Chris Meanwhile Buck was there to talk to Eddie about him going to Texas. "Petroleum engineer spent his whole driving across the state. Living everywhere but under his own roof with his own family."

"Listen, uh, as-is someone who also comes from a screwed-up family-" Eddie stops him from finishing that sentence. "My family isn't screwed up, just my dad, plan is to get in and out without any drama. I'm bringing Artemis with me so I don't get set up with different women."

"And what if he starts getting in there pushing your buttons?"

"There's a hotel 20 minutes away, three and a half stars. That's what Artemis is also there for, just kidding, but if you do start arguing with them about me then you can keep going." I laugh and help Chris get up from the ground.

"You ready Artemis? Thanks again for going along with this, I couldn't exactly tell Buck to do this favor for me." he puts my luggage into his car and I get in with Chris in the back. "Gee, what'd you carry in here? Rocks?" Buck helps Eddie put my luggage in his car.

"You never know what occasion you need an outfit for, you're also one to talk because you stuffed all your clothes into your luggage for a retirement party." Christopher laughs at his dad's antics. "Hey kid, are you excited to go to Texas to visit your family?"

"Yep, how come your coming with us?" He asks me and I look at Eddie to cut in and save me. Can't believe I ever needed a man to save me, shame on you, Artemis! That's so anti-feminist of you. "She also has family there and uh wants to visit there, right Artemis? He starts to look frantically around for something.

"Mhmmm, Eddie you forgot your phone charger." He points at me and runs upstairs, "your really gonna be gone for three days?" Buck gets close to me and places a kiss on my cheek. "You do realize if Chris sees us it's over Buckley."

"It would be worth it." I playfully shove him off of me and get inside Eddie's car, "if I come back and see you in the hospital, I'm gonna hurt you." He gives me a quick peck on my lips and I soon realize that I see Eddie, he backs up quickly. "Bye, buck," Chris says, as Eddie drives off I wink at the Buckley boy, it's crazy how we went from being at each other's throats to making out. My brothers and Serena would freak on buck, you don't want to mess with that girl if she hasn't eaten all day.


"So you want me to talk in full English or Spanish? I could also do Spanglish if you be fancy." He stays silent "cmon Eddie, it's gonna be okay, I may not be buck and I'm glad I'm not but I'm here for you."

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now