Chapter 40

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Sue was finally back at the dispatch center which made everyone happy, she always managed to pull through despite the situation

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Sue was finally back at the dispatch center which made everyone happy, she always managed to pull through despite the situation. "Okay chimney, Artemis, gear up. You going with them." Bobby was actually making me go up on that helicopter to save someone off a cliff, he couldn't have chosen someone else? Great, "you'll harness up, we'll harness up, well lower you down." chim says. "Me? Why can you go?"

"The wind will mess up my hair, and you were in the Air Force. This is your forte, and if you cheer up you can go next time." chim says to Buck, "drama queen," I told chim for putting his hair first. I can see the annoyance on Buck's face and I gear up quickly and hop on the helicopter with chim. "Wait hold on, I think I see something." I saw a bright green tent with a man waving his arms for help. The helicopter gets in closer and chimney gives me a bottle of electrolytes for the man. "Ready?"

"Piece of cake." I bluntly say as he starts to pull me down onto the cliff. "I'm Artemis, what's your name?" I positioned myself on my knee so I wouldn't fall over while trying to hear the man as best as I could. "I'm Clyde. There are willow trees around here, right? Cause if not I'm feeling pretty dumb." I check hear forehead and he's burning up. "Here drink this, it's got electrolytes, how long have you been up here Clyde?" I hand him the bottle and I begin to examine his ankle, he was lying in a weird position. "Five days, maybe? I'm not sure." he starts groaning loudly from the pain in his ankle, it was swollen. "I was trying to get high enough to look around and then I fell, thought I could toughen out but I ran out of food and water."

"Yep, looks like you broke it. We'll get this splint on you and we're gonna get you out of here." he then stops me. "No, no, no! I'm fine, Just give me some painkillers or something. I got a couple more spots I got to check out and I can just ride it out until I'm done here." it was hot on the rocks, and the sun was beaming at him I was surprised he wanted to stay he could barely walk. "That's a negative Clyde, chim, prep fluids. Our guy's gonna need it, sir, lets this on you. We're gonna ride up together." I tie the harness around him and clings to my body. "That's our cue, hold steady, fire one, I'm bringing him up." he brings up and this man wraps his legs around my waist, had to tell him to be careful but he put those hands. Chim pulls him first into the helicopter and starts fluids while I close the door.

We were watching the news, well the rest were, It just happened to talk about the stupid treasure the man was talking about earlier. "Holis Harcourt, the author of such cult classics as Agony in Atwater and Bludgeoned in Burbank passed away in his sleep at age 57. Leaving behind an intriguing message to his loyal fans." I was sick and tired of hearing Taylor's voice but what made me curious was the talk about treasure. "Behold my final gift to the citizens of Los Angeles. A rare and priceless treasure. Though if I had to put a price on it for tax purposes, I'd call it about 5 million dollars."

"Whoa, five million" Eddie also gets roped in, "I'm gonna bury this chest somewhere in the city of Los Angeles if you are clever, as I know you are. One of you will find this chest, and the treasure will be yours." he even provided a poem that has clues were to find it, I can't tell if this man is a genius or a dumbass. Chimney started reading the poem out loud, and the rest of us also searched it up, it was an awful poem more like a riddle. "You know, the guy on the cliff- he asked me about willow trees."

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now