Chapter 28

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Eddie had previously called Buck to let him know that we were on the next flight back to Los Angeles, of course, we could have driven there but Eddie wanted to get there as soon as possible so we could leave faster

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Eddie had previously called Buck to let him know that we were on the next flight back to Los Angeles, of course, we could have driven there but Eddie wanted to get there as soon as possible so we could leave faster. The flight was like two hours, not bad at all, but when we finally returned to Eddie's apartment, not even five minutes later Buck came through the door and hugged Chris. Most of the time was just scrolling through my phone, "Let me guess didn't end so well? That was only day." we had Eddie look at each other at the same. "My parents want me to move back to El Paso."

"W-what, what did you say?" the Buckley boy was nervous at Eddie's response but looked at me completely calm. "By her reaction, I'm assuming your staying."

"Yeah, me and Chris are happy here, we have more support here than over there. Should have seen the way Artemis stood up to my parents, I'm not that shocked but she did refrain herself from cursing." I roll my eyes and look at my nails to see if they're chipped. "Oh I was getting to that point Eddie, but the relief they are gonna feel once they find out we're not actually dating. Does that always happen when you visit your family?" he nods, and I sigh. "What happened?" Buck asks. "My parents went ballistic trying to get me to come home, I said no and we started arguing, The usual. He drinks a beer and sits on a stool.

"I'm actually gonna head out, I need a nap, that hotel bed was horrible." I grab my house keys and phone, "You want me to drive you home? Buck can stay here with Chris, your bags are heavy it's the least I can do after what you just did for me." before I could say anything Buck opened his mouth. "Eddie you already started drinking, it's fine I'll take her home."

"Thanks." Eddie goes to his room kinda tipsy and he knocks out. Buck opens the door and lets me go out first. "Was it that bad?" he asked me once we were in his car. "Yeah, you can tell his mom is genuinely worried but his dad is way more judgmental."

"LAFD." Bobby rang the doorbell, "dispatch said the patient was unconscious." we waited outside to be let in. "They also said it was a smart home." I gawk internally at the house from the outside, it's beautiful, and the house is big and clean. "Welcome Los Angeles Fire Department." the smart home said. "Am I the only one creeped out right now?" we all were feeling weird about this, it's crazy how much technology developed over the years." a man who had burn marks on his body was unconscious on the floor of his shower. "Pulse is steady, the scalp is lacerated, probably a concussion, Anthony can you hear us?" hen checks his pulse.

"Looks like first or maybe second-degree burns from the water, his veins are collapsed, probably hypovolemia. We need a line in his ankle." I took a close look and noticed that their still shampoo in his hair. "Wait hold on, that means he fell with the water on, who turned it off if he's the only one here?" I say to them and we start to look around. Eddie and Buck bring in the gurney and put him on it, the man recovers conciseness "It's okay, you fell in the shower, lucky for you we found you in time." Bobby tells him. "How?"

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now