Chapter 23

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A week later

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A week later...

Bobby had me go through an evaluation to make sure I was ready enough to go back to work, the whole week I was being busted by everyone but mostly Buck and Eddie. Let's just say those two doofuses cause chaos together, we were taking the kids to play with snow and they both kept throwing snowballs at me. I made them jump in the freezing pool as revenge, my brothers found out about the taking of the 9-1-1 dispatch they also didn't leave alone. They were grateful that Buck and Eddie were by my side the entire time, I'm just happy to be back at work.

"Welcome back arte- I mean firefighter Cruz." hen says. "I know you guys miss me show much, don't worry your wait time is over." Hen tangles her arm with mine and she leads me quickly into the firehouse, where a banner is hanging. "Welcome back, Artemis." I see Bobby, chim, Eddie, and Buck showing it off. "Let me guess Buck wrote that?" hen gives me the side eye and subtly nods. "What's wrong with my handwriting?" Eddie responds for me. "Everything, it's been feeling empty here without you Cruz, still no hugs?"

"No, but a high five would suffice." he laughs it off and pulls me for a hug. I get changed into my uniform fast and I hear the bell ring, who knew my first call back on the job would be a big fire? I love my job.

"Anybody here? LAFD!" Buck yells. "Floor looks empty cap!" Eddie, Buck, and I were put in a group together while him, chim, and hen were searching another floor. Each of us starts to bang on doors until Buck notices a locked door, "guys, guys, over here!" he starts to break the door down with an ax and finally kicks it in. "LAFD! Is anyone in here?". We began to search all over the apartment, I found a guy on the floor. "Guys, guys over here! Sir are you hurt?" I asked him. "Don't know, can't get up." he was breathing harshly, probably the smoke inhalation. "I need O-2!" Buck passes me the oxygen mask and Eddie checks for the pulse, "hey, can you wiggle your toes for me, sir?" he was responding well.

"All right, let's pull him up!" as Eddie and Buck help him up, the man mutters a few words. "Wait, Gladys. Need to get Gladys." the man passes out. "Gladys? Who's Gladys?" Buck asks. "Might be a cat or a dog?" we all question the man's words. "All right you two I got this, I'm gonna go look around out there and see if I can go find a pet." I leave them and start to search around the apartment. "Gladys where are you?!"

"Mayday, mayday, the building is unstable, were calling in for immediate evacuation!" we heard over the radio but I wasn't going to give up yet. "Okay, we're pulling out!" Bobby says.

"Artemis, let's go get out of here!" Eddie yells. "C'mon Gladys we really have to go." I found the cat and it jumps into my arms. Chimney and the other guys managed to get the injured out of the building, "second and 3-degree burns, smoke inhalation, possible airway burns. Let's get her to sunset general." chim commands.

"Atwater Street incident, this is metro fire command, Please respond." you can hear dispatch say. "Go for Captain Nash," he responds. "I have a deaf woman trapped in apartment 10G!" they all look at the door hoping Artemis would run out of the building. "I'm going in." Buck puts his helmet on but Bobby stops him. "I've got the cat, cap, I'm on my way out." as I run out of the building, the man says something that makes my jaw drop.

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now