Chapter 47

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The 118 went immediately silent from Athena's words, "come in captain Nash

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The 118 went immediately silent from Athena's words, "come in captain Nash." Chim says through the radio, he was shot in the leg. He was still alive but had a gun pointed at him by Ethan. "Where the hell is Artemis? I know you know where she is! Do I have shoot every single of you to get to her?" Bobby started put everything together but he knew he couldn't give the location of Artemis. "And if I don't, what- we burn?" He was out of breath and breathing in the smoke around him, there was still a fire surrounding them. "I have a job to do, I die either way so it doesn't matter what happens to me. Go ahead, tell me where she is or call the rest of your team to come back in here."

"No, don't you think you shot enough firefighters already? What do you want with her anyways?" Ethan laughs, the psychotic asshole had a motive against the LAPD, after his partner quit, they realized that Copland was a problem. He was removed from duty. "Anybody have any idea where Bobby is inside?" Athena asks, "he called it out when he found the guy, third floor bravo side." Buck points it out to Athena without him realizing what she has planned. "Alright SWAT's right behind us, we're taking over this scene." Chief pate says.

"Your taking over the fire?" Chim questions him. "Who are you?" Pate asks him, chimney snapped back at him without hesitation. "Howard Han 118 and I guess since my captains trapped inside that fire, I'm in charge of this scene." Buck was glad chim stood his ground, would of came more disrespectful out of his mouth. "Can you get me in there?" Buck tries to stop her but she didn't care about what happened to her as long as Bobby made it out alive. "Your insane!" Bobby yells at Ethan, "I got my revenge on this fucked up system, you see people like me don't get to live a happy ending. There's no going back after this, so I might as well take as many of you out with me as I can."

"It'll be easy, cut in on the delta side where most of the fires been contained, she drops in and makes her way across bravo." Buck was trying to get hen on board but hen thought this plan was stupid. "Put the gear on me, I'll be protected, trust me I'm not going to be there that long." Athen was already climbing up the ladder with buck behind her.

"What do you want with Artemis? You already shot her." Bobby hold his leg in pain, "I shot the others because I had to create a cover story, I was aiming for her heart but then that Diaz guy was in my way, for others, I just thought they were her. We live in a greedy world, I'm going to get my money if it's the last thing I do! Some lives aren't worth saving," buck makes an entrance through the top of the roof, "I'm going with you." He says to Athena, "no, buck, I can't protect you in there, he's trying to kill firefighters." She puts on the gloves and helmet, "yeah and your dressed as one."

"I'm going in, now tell me what to do." Buck takes a deep breath and explains everything, Athena starts to go down the steps and begins to walk through the fire with a gun in her hand. "You know there was a guy that took this place hostage a few months back. Hurt a bunch of people, me and my partner- we tried to stop him but we made a mistake and my partner shot the wrong person. An innocent man got hurt, that gun man shouldn't have been alive, you damn firefighters saved him! Rich motherfuckers pray on people like me, I was payed to go after firefighter Cruz, so it would stop people from asking too many questions. I didn't want to hurt the girl but I had no choice."

"We don't chose who lives or dies, we save everyone we can. You always have a choice! Tell me who payed you to kill her!" He ignored Bobby's words, "you think saving lives is easy? Try having to take them!" A minute goes by and Athena walks through fire to get a closer shot at Ethan, Bobby and Ethan look at her at the same time and Athena shoots him, "this is Athena grant, suspect is down, need medical assistance. Captain Nash has been shot."

When Bobby woke up in the hospital she confirmed to him that Ethan was dead. "I could of swore he said something to me but I don't remember that much." Athena nods her head. "Don't stress yourself out too much, it's all over now."

Buck made an appearance at the hospital, as I was reading in my bed, i can see him bringing Eddie in a wheelchair into my room. "Welcome back, Cruz, do you know why I was brought in here?" Eddie says. I shake my head no, we both look at buck then Athena walks in. "You two look better, all I can say now is that you two can relax now. The sniper is dead. Me and Eddie look at one another and a weight was lifted off our shoulders. That was the same day we were able to leave, "finally I get out of these hideous hospital clothes." I smile. "One more thing, I believe these are yours."

She handed me my necklaces and I take a good look at them. It was the Tiffany necklace that buck got me and the necklace that has my name on it. "Thanks, where'd you find it? I could've swore I lost it?" I then realize that it still have some specs of blood on it. I place it on the table in front me and I smile at her, "detectives found it on the scene, I thought you might want it back."

I get changed and waited for Apollo to come pick me up, I was so glad to be back in my normal clothes, my arm was in a sling it wasn't very fashionable if you ask me. When he got there, the nurse gave him my meds and I signed the discharge papers. Eddie and buck were already waiting for me by the waiting room, as soon as we get to my house, there was my brothers, Serena, santi, Chris, Carla, Ana, and I was surprised to see Taylor.

Both kids go up to me and Eddie, as the rest of them are talking. I go to the kitchen and go get my lemon sorbet, that's the only thing I missed from fridge. I can feel someones presence behind me, "can I ask what your doing in my house, mhm Taylor? Don't you have to stick your nose in someone else's business?"I grab a spoon and open up the tub with my mouth since I could use my other arm. "Lovely, aren't you? I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, Artemis, you just got shot. Can we not argue right now?" Her tone definitely dialed down, buck then enters the kitchen, "what's going on here?" He said nervously, I wasn't even looking at her I was too busy eating.

"I don't need your pity, you're only here for Eddie, we don't have to talk to each other. Let's mature about this, we both stay out of each others way," she crosses her arms and I was about to walk away until I remembered something, "oh wait I forgot." I say sarcastically, I put down my sorbet tub my kiss buck hard, I smile at Taylor. "It was good to see you again!" I go up to my room with the sorbet in my hand. I wasn't bothered at all that Taylor was here, Although I find it strange that buck brought her here, but I didn't think about it too much. I turn on my TV and start watching a movie, I hear on my knock on my door. "Who is it?!"

"It's Buck." I popped the spoon in my mouth and responded. "Artemis isn't here.... Leave a message after the beep.... Beep!" He opens the door and sits next to me, "are you here to bother about red riding hood?" He laughs and places his arm around me. "No, she wanted to come and see how you guys are doing, she not that bad  when you really think about it." I scoff at his words, "bullshit, if you buy her act go ahead be my guest. She's only here for Eddie, It's hilarious because Eddie isn't exactly a big fan of her either. she's lucky I can't use my left arm, I would of dragged her ass out of here a long time ago. Is that what you wanted to talk about?" I eye contact with him and he shakes his head no. "We haven't really talked about what happened back there at the scene."

"Not much, in that moment I felt the pain of the bullet but I was too focused on staying awake." He knows that I wasnt being honest, when I nervous I start to bite the inside of my cheek. "You sure about that?" I nod my head, I didn't want to go into the details too much, he doesn't need to be even more worried about me. I lean takes the sorbet in from my lap and begins to eat it, "hey! That's mine!"

"Sharing is caring right?" I fake laugh and whisper in his ear, "steal my sorbet from me again and I make sure they will never your body." I kiss his cheek and he gives me back what was rightfully mine, Santi comes in the room and his jaw dropped. "I knew it! You two are dating! Best day ever!!!" He goes running off and we were there laughing our asses off. "I didn't know the party was in here. Artemis, Bobby says we should be back next week with mandatory therapy." Eddie also sits on my bed I whine. "Whatever, as long as I get to be back on the job, three days in the hospital was already for me be off the job. Ravi better step to the side, we're gonna be back in no time." Me and Eddie fist bump each other.

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now