Chapter 83

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The Buckley boy tried his best to talk my ear off so I would stay awake the entire time

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The Buckley boy tried his best to talk my ear off so I would stay awake the entire time. "We've got an abdominal puncture wound, seems to have missed his major organs. she has a broken femur and a broken arm, blood transfusion will be needed. A possible concussion, over a dozen lacerations, she won't take anything for the pain. This one's got a couple of broken ribs, refused to take anything for the pain either." Hen told the doctors. "I'm fine!" Eddie clenched his jaw while holding onto Athena's shoulder. "No you're not! Captain has a probable AC joint sprain. Over a dozen lacerations too and too many bone bruises to count. Aside from that they are all in one piece."

As we were waiting to go into surgery, buck by my side. I really hate putting him through of this again, "I'm okay, I'm okay. All I have is a broken arm and leg, I should be fine." I was groggy from the whole accident, "good cause no matter how many times your get mad at me, you're not getting away from me that easily. I love you more." He kisses the back of my hand, "Ow, it hurts to laugh." I smile through the pain.

3 hours later...

"So that's everyone?" Maddie hands a coffee to Buck and Athena. "Yep, all of the 118ers have been released and sent home. Except for ours and Eddie, doctors think that they can release Bobby tonight and you two?" Buck was sitting there quietly. "We have one more scan, if it's clear then tomorrow morning. You can guess how we took that news." Maddie laugh. "Bobby tried to roll into the elevator when I wasn't looking, what about Artemis, buck?" He takes a sip of his coffee and looks at them, "She's gonna be a wheelchair for while, it wasn't enough bad enough for her to get surgery but she won't be able to walk for a while because of her leg. She gets released tomorrow morning, they want to keep her for supervision."

"She's going to be okay, buck, we all heard those three words being said to one another. That's a huge step." Maddie tries to cheer him up, "yeah, I called Apollo and he's on his way." Athena pats his back and he gives her a gentle smile. "You know, you guys spend all of your time with the sick and injured but you guys are the worst patients-" Apollos comes rushing and they all standing. "How's she doing?" Apollo asks buck. "She's okay just a few lacerations, a broken leg and arm." Apollo took a deep breath, "how are you? you look beat up, go home Buckley. I get it, you wanna stay here for my sister but you did your part, now it's time to do mine."

The next day....

"Don't fucking looking at me like that, I look stupid with two casts." I was annoyed that I couldn't walk or do anything on my own. "And you're back to your natural state, Apollo and I thought it would be better if you stayed at my place. The A-shift won't be working for a while so it'll be just us." I laughs. "Great, how are you going to help me the stairs in your building with wheelchair and everything?" He stopped to think for a second, "I guess we didn't think about that, Apollo has a test today so it's my job to get you back to my place safely."

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now