Chapter 84

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"Help! Help!" The girl yelled as we arrived to the beach, there was no one there except the two kids and the victim

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"Help! Help!" The girl yelled as we arrived to the beach, there was no one there except the two kids and the victim. "What happened?" Bobby asked from afar. "We buried my dad and the lighting came out from nowhere, it's our fault! I shouldn't have done it." She cried and We ran over to the victim. "It's all right, we'll get him out of there. Was it the lighting?" Chimney asked, Buck then steps on something hard that causing whatever he stepped on to shatter. "No the glass." He says. "All right, let's get him out, let's go!" Bobby says. Buck and Eddie start to shovel the man out while I assisted hen and chim. "Sir can you tell me your name?"

"Ibrahim." Hen was trying her best to keep him awake. "Are you having any pain?" We all put on our gloves. "Neck... hurts. Really dizzy." His breathing was getting heavy, not much I could do with only his head. "He has severe blood loss, breathing is shallow, probably from the weight of the sand." Eddie starts to help Buck dig the man out with his out hands, shoveling wasn't doing much. "No rain, the hell did it come from? He asks, I helped chim break the glass carefully. "Who knows, just gotta hope it doesn't strike twice." It was cloudy but no drop of rain sight.

"Why is this happening? I'm so sorry daddy!" The little boy apologizes, buck takes it upon himself to keep the kids back and make sure they are okay. "It's okay, Omar, I'm okay." The horrified look on these kids faces was not easy to look at, they were scared and buck was trying to help with that. "Why don't we go over here, huh? Give them some space to work. There you go, hey Omar, right? Listen I know sometimes things can happen that we can't explain and that can be scary but with we can actually explain. You see when lightning hits sand, it's so hot it turns into glass." I took a huge piece of glass out from the sand and hand it to Eddie.

"Alright guys, let's take him out." Bobby says. "Whoa, whoa, we have to extremely careful. Pretty sure that hit the carotid." I told them, They all stopped for a second so hen could fully look at the wound. "The glass came in hot, looks like it's semi-cauterized instant scab." She was very careful on getting the sand underneath him out. "All right, running fluids wide open." Chim sticks the IV into the man's neck. "We're gonna have e to skip the C-collar." Hen says. "Alright, let's get a backboard over here!"

"Copy that!" Eddie brings over the backboard while the rest of us kept digging him out. "Got a leg! All right, got some lacerations on his arm." Bobby announced out loud, "it was a stupid idea to go to this beach." Omar starts to beat himself up over coming up with the idea of coming to the beach, even though he couldn't have known this was going to happen. "He was trying to stop my dad and me from fighting." His older sister says. "Okay, hey. I get it. You know, you want to fix everything's trust me. I-I know that feeling but in life, things that we don't expect, they just come out of nowhere." I always found it heartwarming the way buck always had a special way to talking to kids and letting them understand the situation.

As I got a hold of Ibrahim's arm blood started gushing out, "whoa! Arterial bleed!" I tried to stop it with my hands but it was getting really messy. "All right, tourniquet flying in!" Bobby hands me the tourniquet and I tightened it around the Ibrahim's arm. Eddie puts gauze on the wound to minimize the blood a bit. The man was moaning loud in pain and was soon secured on the backboard. "Omar, rasha, listen. I'm fine, everything is gonna be okay." He reassured them. "We love you, daddy." Rasha says. "I love you too." Sure wish I could say those words but we were long gone from that now. "Come on, uh, you guys can ride in the engine with us." Buck tells the kids.

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