Chapter 38

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3 weeks later

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3 weeks later...

"Alright, let's see what we got, looks like she's pinned to the wall in two places. Let's go, let's go!" the victim was pinned to the wall by her hands and stomach, who knew pinning the tail on the pony was more violent now? I was on temporary paramedic duty because chim was on maternity leave. "Can you move your fingers?" I asked the woman. "I think so." she tries to slowly move her fingers. "Good, looks like the spring slightly misses the tendon, no nerve damage."

"Oh thank god, it's my selfie hand." Bobby and I look at one another for each other's reaction to her response. "Pulse is slightly elevated but BPs normal, miraculously, she's stable. Getting bilateral breath sounds, spring likely didn't puncture her lungs but it's probably millimeters away from her spine. I can pack the wound but I don't know how to detach her from the barn." hen says.

"We don't transport her with it, donkey and all. Where's Buck?" we look behind us and see Buck showing off the saw to these teenage boys. "This is a circular saw, this blade is strong enough to cut through anything." Bobby immediately calls Buck over for the saw. "You really went hardcore with this party design." hen puts rubbing alcohol on cotton balls and hands them to me to clean up the blood on the woman's hands. "It's my job, literally, I run a mommy blog, and I spent months planning this thing. making things perfect and my kid hates me for it." Bobby tries to reassure the mom by explaining that every parent goes through a kid's hard transition to puberty. "He doesn't hate you he's just 12. He'll get over it." they couldn't fit the woman with the door in the ambulance so Buck and Eddie rode with her on top of the truck.

Chimney finally came back and began to show us pictures of Jee-yun, his daughter. "That's the first time she smiled." Eddie examines the picture closer. "Sure that's a smile? That's the same face Buck makes when he's gassy." we all laugh. "I will take that as a compliment, 'cause it just means she looks like her uncle Buck." of course he would say that, I looked over at chim and was just blown away by the pictures of Jee-yun. "God, I love her so much. I don't even feel like the same person anymore, is that weird?"

"What's the saying? Having a kid is like walking around with your heart outside your body." now that I actually notice, me and buck are the only two without kids and were the youngest. Probably means we haven't grown up yet. "That's weird and morbid." chim says. "How's maddie doing? First solo shift with the baby."

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now