Chapter 60

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I thought I'd check up on buck before our shift starts, he was wasted and I wanted to know if Lucy kept her word

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I thought I'd check up on buck before our shift starts, he was wasted and I wanted to know if Lucy kept her word. He already gave me a pair of keys to his apartment incase of situations like this, I noticed he wasn't awake and brewed some coffee for him and started to edit the picture I took of the both of us on the beach he took us to one time. That day was unforgettable, it was the happiest we had ever been in a really long time, I see him coming done the stairs from the corner of my eye, "long night huh?" I did not take my eyes off my laptop for an even a second. "Holy shit! Artemis! You scared me."

"You'll live, I brewed some coffee for you, how did uh last night go?" I pointed at his coffee machine while looking at him through my glasses. "It uh, uh went great, I just have a major hangover." He couldn't even look in the eyes, "well at least you had fun, I have the ibuprofen right here." I hold the bottle up and he goes to sit down across from me, "You're a life saver, whatcha working on?" He says before drinking his coffee, "remember those pictures I took us when we went to the beach when we first started dating?"

"Umm, yeah, what about them?" He was nervous about something, I couldn't put my finger on it. "I'm editing them, I thought you'd be more excited to see the final product, so when I ask you what's going on with you. You better tell me the fucking truth, you're a bad liar Buckley." He closes my laptop and holds my hands in his, I didn't expect this from him especially this early in the morning. "Everything okay? You look like you're about to throw up."

"Umm, th-things have-have been great... with us Or real- really great. This is easily the most functional relationship I-I've been in." I stop him in that moment, "wow, I have never heard you say that before, careful, that sweet talk may go to my head." I laugh, "I-i just... I- I wanted to say that, I-I love you and I- I would never intentionally do anything to hurt you." My jaw dropped at the sound of his words, I was frozen in that moment. "You better not be fucking with me because I will drag you across the hall by your ear. Are you serious?"

"Yeah." There was a moment of silence between us, "this is kinda the part where you say you love me back or not." He laughs nervously. "I- um, I don't know what love really is, I say it with Serena because she's like my sister but the only person I ever loved was Ryker and he was manipulating me. I haven't been able to say those words to another man." His eyes soften, "if you're not ready that's okay because I know how you feel. I would never want to pressure you to say something that you're not ready for." I always have to make sure my walls are high and not easy to breakdown, anything can happen at any moment. Even people you love can be the reason why you have walls up for a reason.

Buck pulls me into a hug and everything starts to race in my head, "it's not like I won't ever be able to say those words but this all still new to me." I look up at him while our arms were still wrapped around one another. "Take your time, I'm not going anywhere."

"You did what?!" Buck and hen were talking in the locker room about what he had said to Artemis instead of telling her the truth. "I know, okay? I-I.... I panicked. I was gonna tell her but she looked so pre-hurt, I had to say something else." Hen was even more frustrated with the blonde man, "and what did she say?" Hen slamed her locker which made buck flinch, "well, she was surprised then told me that she couldn't say I love you back because the man she had told that to was Ryker and he was hurting her. She said she doesn't know what love is."

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now