Chapter 14

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Serena loves having sleepovers at my house, she even has her own closet in there

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Serena loves having sleepovers at my house, she even has her own closet in there. That's how you know she much rather move in with me than be at her apartment, let's just say she and Apollo don't get along well. Apollo thinks that she's a bad influence on me, I don't care what he says but she makes my life interesting, what can say? She's a party girl and I'm a stay-at-home and drown my sorrows into lemon sorbet on the couch kinda girl.

We usually talk shit about the shitty people around us, dance, and eat all night. Online shopping becomes a big issue with us, we spend hundreds of dollars on clothes and then end up frowning the next day because of our bank accounts. Apollo is on a business trip so she usually has the house prepared by the time I get back.

The 118 arrived at the scene despite the traffic collision at the beginning of the highway, we managed to get through. "Dispatch says two victims and a hazardous materials recycling truck. Buck I want you to grab the CO2 detection equipment and I want everybody in full turnouts and BAs, go!" everyone runs off to where they are needed. Me and chim see a young man on the ground with blood on his face, he's responsive but can't get a word out. "Cap that's a bright one!" Buck says out loud.

"Put my money on magnesium." Eddie looks back to see if they are both seeing the White fire. "Chim and Eddie your on him, Artemis and Buck check the driver, everybody else this entire tunnel is an exclusion zone, keep people away. Go, go, go!" Bobby commands and everyone except the four of us are out of the tunnel.
"Cap! He's pinned, I gotta go to the other side!" I yell pound enough so Bobby would hear. "Okay!"

"I'll be able to fit through the window on the other side, I'll push him into your arms, be ready on my call," I tell Buck and he has a surprised look on his face. "Captain Nash on Second Street, we have a magnesium fire, that is reactive to water. I need a liquid nitrogen truck dispatched immediately."

"Copy that Captain Nash. Liquid nitrogen en route." the dispatcher tells Bobby. "Chim, how he's doing?"

"He's bradycardiac, pupils are uneven, GCS 12 and falling." Eddie puts a mask over the man's face and they start to run with the man on the gurney so they can get out.

"What are we looking at Cruz?"

"He's not impaled or anything but we're gonna need a jackhammer, we can't get him out other than that."

"No time for that." Buck tries to saw off the part that has the man pinned to the truck but Bobby notices that the fire is starting to get worse. "This magnesium's starting to burn real hot, we gotta get him out of here soon," I try my hardest to pull up whatever is holding the man down but I can't. "Saws not gonna cut it." the man starts to groan in pain and try to calm him down but even I'm scared myself.

"Sir, try to remain calm, tell me your name."

"Ernest... oh magnesium, it's burning, you need to get out of here." the man has a broken nose and blood on his face, I keep trying to get his leg out but he stops me.

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now