Chapter 50

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"What's he doing? He still hasn't moved

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"What's he doing? He still hasn't moved." Bobby was sitting in the locker room staring into space, "I can't imagine what caps going through right now, if it was Christopher I'd be losing my mind." I was helping Eddie clean the truck while buck starts asking too many questions. "Why harry? I thought this guy's thing was attacking woman." I see bobby from the corner of my eye praying with the rosary in his hand, I want to have something to believe in but there's none left for me. The bell rings once again and we were on our way toour next scene to help a certain sergeant, we were waiting the dark for Jeffery to be cornered by Athena. She started going back and fourth him, "is that your firefighter husband?" Jeffery says, he lifts up his gun but Athena was faster and shot him in the chest. We get out the truck quickly, chim and hen try they're best to keep him alive. "I got no pulse." hen looks at athena with sadness. She calls bobby and we were on the road again as on duty firefighters.

Bobby bust through the gates with his captains truck and the truck was right behind him, "all right, I want every one of these houses checked. Every room, closet, crawl space, basement, every inch. Let's go!" We go rushing in with flashlights, Eddie, buck and I search one house but the different parts, I go looking down in the basement and see a a place on the wall that looks wet, I go up to it and run my fingers across from it, it's fresh paint. Buck soon comes up to me and shows me the can of paint he just found, "Cap! In here!" They all come rushing in the basement and Eddie hits the wall with a tool and I see Harry's unconscious body in the back, I go in quickly and check is pulse, "give me a knife or something!"

I yell and Athena passes me a switchblade, I free his hand and legs and pull him out the wall. I let chim and hen check him out, he soon wakes up and they put him on a gurney then rush him to the hospital. Athena gives me a tight hug, "thank you so much." I was more in a state of shock to hug her back, everything happened so quick for me to notice much. I was so glad to see Harry alive, a weight has been lifted off of Athena, Micheal and Bobby's chest. Athena and Micheal ride with Harry to the hospital while the rest of us got on the truck. We were back at the firehouse and the electricity finally came back on, "well, look at all the glorious electricity, guess the power of czar is out of business." Chim tells buck, "I gladly hand my power back to the power company."

"Good, cause my phone is dead." I wave my phone at him and he rolls his eyes with a smile. Once I was able to charge my phone again, "please come back home, your child basically chewed through all my packages, I better be getting payed." Apollo says through the phone. "You should be thankful to be in the presence of my bunny, careful she bites back if you catch an attitude with her." I warn him, "just like her mother." I hang up on him and get my stuff from my locker. "Ah I thought you'd be the first one out the door, Christopher know you're coming?" Eddie sighs in stress, "not yet, I haven't figured out what I'm going to say when I get home... to Ana." Eddie puts on his watch and walks away from us and into his car. "He'll be okay." I tell buck, "Apollo isn't home, sooooo." He laughs and smirks. "Beat you there." He goes running to his car and I go run to mine car, to see who gets there first, jokes on him I know a short cut.

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now