Chapter 99

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Buck got a hold of my hand we ran to my car, he go into the drivers seat and began to drive off to the hospital

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Buck got a hold of my hand we ran to my car, he go into the drivers seat and began to drive off to the hospital. I didn't know what to think about this situation, but what stuck with me ever since we went back to Mexico was his words. One day you kids will learn that I did this for you. What did he do for us? Was this the reason why he killed my mom, no... there couldn't be no despicable reason why he did that. They were in love and happy, what really happened? When we got to the hospital there were people with guns standing outside the hospital. I was going to walk up to them but buck yanked me by the arm. "Are you crazy? They have guns Artemis."

"Oh relax, they aren't going to shoot us. They work for my father. It's best if you don't separate yourself from me unless you want to be in a cross fire." I walked up to the guys. "And who are you? No one is entering here" The tall man said. "Artemis Ellise fucking Cruz, I know you've  seen this before." I showed them the branding scar that my father gave me when I was a kid, it was a star shape. My brothers and I all had it, because of his acts of cruelty he doesn't even deserve my compassion. They stepped aside and let us in. Andreas had texted me his room number and the whole hospital was silent. I wasn't afraid of any one of these suckers with big guns, you've had a gun waved at you so many times that at one point you don't get scared anymore.

Another two guards were at his door, "let me through, I'm his d- oh my god imma throw up by saying that. I'm his daughter, move knuckle heads." I pushed my way through them and took buck in there with me. I saw him hooked up to several machines, "how'd it happen?" I said nonchalantly to Apollo. "Drunk driver, isn't that interesting. He's in a coma." I put my hands in my pockets and walk up to Alejandro's limp body. "I know you hear me, you better fucking wake up. I have questions that need answers, at least don't die before giving them to me. Ok, I'm done, I said what I had to say. I'm leaving." I was about to head out the door but buck pulls me back and makes me stay. "What? He doesn't need me here, he has you guys." I smiled.

They forced me to sit down in the chair and I was mostly on my phone scrolling on instagram. I couldn't even talk to Serena, she always knew how make me laugh and ease my mind. "I think this is the most peaceful he's ever looked, it's freaking me out." Atlas says. "At least I'm not the only one thinking that." I crossed my legs. "So what happened to the drunk driver?" Buck asked. "Dead, not by the crash. His boys found him and it went pew pew pew to his brain." We were all disgusted by the image that we created in our minds.

An hour later buck took me back to his apartment and I slept over because we had work the next day. We got ready for work and drove to the firehouse, I couldn't sleep at all. I stayed up for almost the whole night while buck snored, he was in a deep sleep. "Looks like we're looking at a possible 5150, cap." Hen says. "What the hell is is a 5150?" I asked Eddie but he was just as clueless as I was. "Sir, everybody, give him some space okay. Sir, whatever's going on here, you don't have to hurt yourself." Bobby tells the. Man. He was consistently hitting himself and people tried to retain him from being so aggressive with him. "You think I want to hurt myself?" He kept slapping him, its like his right hand had a mind of his own. I think he's suffering from alien hand syndrome, cap."

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now