Chapter 21

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"What happens to us when it's time for them to leave? I mean if they killed Jake- they're not gonna wanna leave behind a group full of witnesses

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"What happens to us when it's time for them to leave? I mean if they killed Jake- they're not gonna wanna leave behind a group full of witnesses." Linda, one of Maddie's coworkers says. "The hours almost up, we're running out of time."

"I don't think we're the only ones." she sees both men arguing about how stupid one another is. They are starting to panic, feeling the stress. "I'm an idiot? We wouldn't be worried about her GPS, if that cop was dead."

"Killing people, that's your solution to every problem?" they start to turn on one another. "I can think of one problem it would solve."

One of the cracks and pushes the other into a glass window, causing it to shatter. "HEY ENOUGH! Enough! Get up!" Gregg screams at his partners. One of the dispatchers runs to hit the fire alarm but gets tackled down by Gregg. The White bald man who was trying to shoot people aims for the dispatcher but Josh shoves his arm to the side bullets to go everywhere. I cover my ears and start to have tears falling down my face, not this again. I have flashbacks to the time when my mother was killed trying to protect me. The man picks up his gun fast and hits Josh in the face with it. "Next one goes in your head," he tells Josh. "Back to your stations now!" Gregg yells. I wipe my tears quickly so no one would notice them, you did it Artemis you cried for the first time in 18 years. Josh was thrown into the ground near my feet, and I didn't know what I could do.

"Construction crews are closing down streets between here and dispatch getting ready for SWAT to move in. How are we doing with GPS?" the chief says to Athena. "Well, we've kept off the radio, calling units individually. Everyones been told how to disable their system before coming here."

"Kay so what's the plan?" Buck pops up out of nowhere. "We're trying to get eyes into a damn windowless room."

"That's it?" Buck says. "We were able to get eyes on the digital logs. They share a system with Valley Division, according to the logs, five LAPD officers were scheduled for sit-alongs. None of the names on the list checked out, they're not LAPD" Buck was not only worried about his sister but for the girl that he had broken her heart. "So five bad guys inside and no plan to get our guys out?" chim tries to get the whole picture.

"No we got a plan, we just don't like it. I'm hoping that Artemis uses her training and tries to keep them busy while we try to get inside and by trying I mean her attitude."

"Captain Maynard, Dave Morrisey, Valley Communications." he shakes both Maynard and a then as hand. "SWAT command would like to talk to you, has some questions."

"I'm not sure how I can help," he says and both clueless men stand in the back, as in chim and Buck. "So this is really happening? Sorry, I thought you were crazy." Buck tells chim. "I'm sorry I wasn't."

"How are we doing with those RA units?" Maynard asks. "The 122 and the 133 just got here, there are two more houses en route, Captain who are these people on the bus." chin and Buck ask. "Off-duty dispatchers, once we take back the building somebody has to handle call response."

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now