Chapter 2: Adoption Day

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"Y/N get your ass up!" Anna my caretaker screamed at me.

Anna is one of five caretakers here. She is always nice to me unless its adoption day when she is stressed by getting the children dressed. All the small children always get adopted, but if an older one is then they are pretty much returned the next day.

"I"m coming downstairs!" Since I have been here the longest I have the small loft room.

"Did you watch the youtube channel I told you to check out?" Anna watches gay youtubers to help me accept myself and she found a new one.

"I forgot her name! What was it!?" I asked walking down the stairs.

"It was sassibob." I laughed at that name it was a bit odd.

"Oh okay. Also I need to go for my morning run." She nodded.

I sprinted upstairs and got dressed. I do the same run every morning. Its my way of getting out of the orphanage. I take the same route in LA avoiding the robbers on the main streets. Its fun to keep running, it helps me clear my mind.

I plug my earphones in and go out. Anna bought a random album for me from someone called Ally? I don't know. I listen to the songs and run. I take the normal route and wave to Greg the butcher, who works in a shop I go past.

I run for ten minutes, im currently taking a stop outside an apartment complex. I see someone above me on their balcony, they smile and wave, I wave back being polite. I was about to run when a guy grabbed me. I screamed and the girl from the balcony disappeared.

"HELP! HELP! HELP!" I scream continuously.

"Shut the fuck up child!" He yelled in my ear.

"HELP!" He hit my rib causing me to fall.

He kept kicking me, I heard to what I thiught was a crack. I assume one of my ribs are broken. I cried and cried until I heard a girls voice.

"Hey! Get the fuck off her!" The mystery girl said.

I saw him run but I tried to get up. I winced in the pain. I couldn't move, it hurt way to much. I definatly have a broken rip and bruising. I need to get back to the orphanage before Anna starts looking.

"Hey, don't move." The girls voice sounds alot calmer now.

"I have to get back." I stated still trying to get up but falling back onto the floor.

"That guy did hurt you pretty badly, here." She picked my up bridal style and carried me somewhere.

"I'm tired." I yawned, she laughed as I snuggle dup to her.

"Go to sleep and then we can call your parents, okay?" I was about to say something but sleep took over.

I woke up to giggling. Wait! This isn't the orphanage. Shit! Yes I swear, calm your tits people. Anyway, I need to get back to Anna. I get up too quickly, I fall to the floor with a thud and scream in pain. I heard multiple footsteps come into the room.

"Are you okay?" The girl from before asked before she got in the room.

"God, Stevie she fell on the floor!" Some other girl I assume her sister said as she bursted in.

"Calm down im fine." I said standing up in pain. "See just shaking by not being where im suppose to be. Also whats the time?"

"12:30 why?" My eyes widened.

"Shit. I need to get back before I'm in trouble." I grab my stuff.

"First no swearing. Second we will drop you off." I nodded.

I went to walk to the door but I hurt so badly. I winced at every movement keeping it to myself. Since I've caused them too much bother already. I guess they noticed since Stevie picked me up and carried my downstairs.

"Where we heading?" Stevie's, still what I call, sister asked.

"Just take the next left and then down the street on the right block." She nodded and followed the instructions.

"So whats your name?" Stevie asked.

"Y/N." She nodded.

"Well I'm Stevie and this is Ally." She motioned towards the other girl who smiled through the rearview mirror.

"Here we are." It was a short journey.

"You live here?" Stevie asked helping me get out.

"Yeah." I said regaining strength to walk.

"Okay... we should let you go." Stevie said making eye contact with Ally.

"Well. Bye and thank you so much." I said as she hugged me.

"Bye and tell people where you are." I guess she noticed the sign that said orphanage.

I nodded and I reluctently let go off her. I turned back once more when I got to the door. They both smiled and waved as they drove off. I walked ina nd all hell broke loose.

"Where the hell have you been? You were gone for 4 hours. Do you not have a clock?" Shoot I left my phone at Stevie's.

"I got attacked and a two sisters helped me. I think I left my phone at their house." I cried as Anna hugged.

"Im so sorry babygirl come here let me look at you bruising." She lifted my shirt and gasped. "Who did this to you?"

"Some guy but a nice girl helped me. Her name was Stevie and she let me sleep in her house." Anna smiled and I was truthful.

"Thank you for telling me but for now you need to sleep. Go to your roon and I will bring you some soup." I was about to argue, but I didn't have enough strength.

"Okay.." I walked to my room.

I entered it and was greeted with Samantha, the homes biggest bully. She was smirking and sat with my photo album in hand. This was strange she stole it the first day I arrived.

"Here have this. I got adopted today and I don't need it anymore." She said throwing it at me as she left.

"Well.. thanks I think?" I said.

I flopped onto my bed and I instantly went to sleep. I went into a land that replayed my days events from meeting Stevie and her sister, Ally.

I groan as I feel someone place an ice pack on my bruising. I winced at the impact, it hurt like hell. I looked up to see Anna smiling at me. She had pulled my shirt up to see my bruises. She gave me a sympathetic look but I shook it off.

"Here have this then pack." I was taken back by the comment.

"What?" I asked.

"You heard me. You need to pack you got adopted." I groaned. "Why are you groaning?"

"I haven't even met them and I got adopted. Great." I used sarcasm at the end.

"They saw your profile and wanted you only." I laughed.

"Yeah. Right. Now can I have my soup to drink." She nodded and walked out.

"Don't forget to pack!" Wait she was serious?

"Urgh..." I groaned laying into my bed.

Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)Where stories live. Discover now