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Its my turn to give a speech, while photos of her appear behind on a presentation. I can't believe someone would do that. I didn't know she would, she seemed happy.


I got back from visiting Sally in hospital, she was happy. She has got a broken left leg and a huge bruise on her other leg. Meanwhile, she cracked her head open, no major damage. I sit in my bed trying to sleep.

I get a phone call.


"Miss Boebi-Hills?"


"Your friend has been killed..." They trailed on.

"How? She was fine when I checked. I remember leaving her and she was happy."

"She was murdered while sleeping, suspects are inclusive."

"I can't imagine this being real. Please tell me its a joke."

"Im sorry Miss Boebi-Hills, she has gone."


I hung up the phone. Im so pissed. I threw my phone in frustration. I can't believe she died. Her mom, I have no idea. I can't even think right. I scream thinking that I spent so much time with her and she just goes.

My eyes are full of tears. I loved her and she goes. I can't. I just can't.*

Im now stood at the altar. My eyes are puffy, I take a shakey deep breath and begin.

"She was one of my closet friends. I had known her for so much time. She helped me with everything. I can't even imagine why someone wanted to kill her. She was too innocent. I love her. She loved me. She was my best friend. I didn't have any and then she came along. I love you Anna." I ended it quickly.

I had to end it before more tears came. I ran to Stevie. I cried into her shirt. My tears kept streaming, I lost my sister. My only piece of family other than Stally.

The funeral h and I go straight to the car. I blank everything. My heart has taken too much for now. My only best friend has gone. She was murdered.

My girlfriend is in hospital and now my best friend is dead. My life is the worst. I got told that everything happens for a reason. Nothing in my life is right, nothing.

I mean, I have got a perfect girlfriend and a loving family. However, everything I love seems to go,next thing I know Sally goes.

"Y/N, were home. Come inside I will order some food." I opened the door.

"No thanks, im not hungry." It wasn't a lie.

"Please, you haven't eaten all day." Ally said going to hold Stevie's hand.

"I said im not hungry." I saw the lift was fixed.

I didn't want to go in the elevator. I wanted to walk up the stairs and face my fear. I couldn't even walk down the stairs, without thinking of the incident.

"Y/N, in the elevator." Stevie said.

I did as I was told and went in the elevator. My parents kept smiling at me. I gave them a weak one and then put my head back down. I was cold, even though I had a hoodie on. Stevie and Ally were only in shirt and jeans, they were warm.

We got out of the elevator and headed towards our home. I sighed, home sweet home. We all sat on the couch and I pulled Noodles onto me, with a blanket. I snuggled into him and he snuggled back. I smiled then I fell asleep.



Y/N was crying all day, her best friend has passed away. She hates this month, but her sitting and doing nothing isn't helping. She has been distracted by everything.

"Ally?" Stevie asked bringing me out of my thoughts.


"I think Y/N needs a break."

"What you mean?"

"She doesn't get out much. I know she loves Sally, but she has no friends."

"I know, its just I hate seeing our daughter upset. She shouldn't be doing this at her age. She should go out, make friends and live a little. She should have a normal life when she lives in our home."

"I know. She should but its her life, she needs to decide."

"Want me to carry her or nust leave her there?"

"Just let her sleep, she needs it." Stevie said.

"Okay, lets go to bed." I yawned.

We both got into our room, we both got pjs on. I got into bed after Stevie. She was already asleep. She must have been tired if she got into bed early. I smiled then took a snapchat, she was so cute asleep.

I climbed into bed and I heard a whimper. I knew it wasn't Stevie's. I pulled the covers back over me, thinking I was imagining it from lack of sleep. I shrugged it off, and tried to sleep. This time the whimpering came from our bedroom door.

I got out of bed and went towards it. I opened the door and Y/N stood outside it. I gave her a smile and she gave me a pathetic one back. She looked into our room then into my eyes. The moonlight gave us the sight to see eachother.

"Mum? Can I sleep in here?" She sounds broken.

"Sure, we just gotta move it." I smirked.

"Don't call mom a it!" She hit my arm playfully.

"I can if I want to." She laughed.

See, thats the smile I missed. She only has it for a split second.

"Can I sleep?" I heard Stevie groan from our bed.

"Yeah, come on babygirl." I said grabbing Y/N's hand.

I pulled her into the middle of the bed and laid on the end. She cuddled up to me and I felt water on my shirt. I knew she was crying. I can't imagine loosing your best friend in the same month as your mothers anniversary and your girlfriend is in hospital. She is too young. She has us, but for how long?

I hope forever.


I may update tomorrow, don't know for sure. Don't make plans to read it when it won't be out. However, I wish you all a merry christmas! Enjoy your day and have fun!

Also, Sally isn't dead! Yaya!


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