Chapter 7: Crushed

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After I explained the whole thing with my past family, ignoring the lesbian bit they just sat silent.

"Please say something, I don't like the tension. It makes me feel like you guys are mad or ashamed of me." I broke the silence.

"Babygirl, we could never be mad at you. Its just were thinking about why they did that when they were so nice to start with." Ally still calls me babygirl.

"Well there is something I need to tell you." I got off Ally's lap and stood up.

"You can tell us anything. Aslong as your not in a gang princess." I laughed.

"Actually, can I put youtube on your TV? Like to show you, I hate saying it after what happened." They nodded.

"We'll sit in our room till you call us, okay?" I hugged them.

"Thank you." They left the room.

When I heard their door close I started Youtube up. It took a few seconds to load. First of all I looked on their reccomened. It was alot of music, which they obviously use when people come round. Secondly I didn't have a plan.

It was signed in as Ally. I looked through her video's till I found one. The coming out song. That one. I clicked on it but not clicking play on it. My nerves got the better of me and I ran into my room. I texted them telling them to go watch it.

After a few minutes I heard their door unlock. They called my name but I stayed in my room. I couldn't face them just yet.

"Y/N?" Stevie called.

"Stevie, don't not yet." I guess she saw the title.

"Okay lets watch this then." She walked away from my door.

After what felt like 10 minutes, I heard a light knock on the door. I didn't open it. I didn't want them to hit me or hurt me like the other people I told did.


"Hi, im Samantha." She wasn't evil.

"Hi im Y/N." I was nervous.

"Welcome. Want me to help you unpack?" I smiled.

"Thank you. I was scared to come here." I was honest with her she was somehow trusting.

"Whats this?" She pulled out my family album.

"My family album they let me keep it." She smiled sweetly.

"You looked so cute when you were little." Wait. Hold...

"What?" I asked confused.

"You looked like a cute child." Is she like me?

"Are you?" I widened my eyes.

"Ew. No. No one should be its sickening." Wow Y/N smooth.

"So Samantha can I tell you something?" I wanted to tell her.

"Sure BFF!" I had already made a friend!

"Ohhh. Okay. Urm. Im a lesbian." I was proud to say it.

Next thing I know is I have a hand print on my face. She slapped me. She hates me. She started screaming and yelling the most homophobic and sickening things at me. I couldn't take it.

She started to hit me. She would push me down the stairs. She would pull my hair and eat my food, saying 'lesbians don't eat that'. I told her I didn't like fish and she would give me her fish saying thats what lesbians usually eat. I would burst onto laughter and she would pour coke on my head.

Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)Where stories live. Discover now