Chapter 47: Day 7 of 14

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Thats the first week done. I hate the fact I only have one week left in UK but hey, not all bad news.

"Will you then?" SHIT. WHAT DID SHE SAY!?


"I asked whould you go on a date with me? But you were in your own world." She giggled.

"Yeah, where?"

"How about a go on the London Eye and then a walk?"

"Sure." I shrugged.

The fact that no matter where we are Sally knows how to make it cute. I'm excited for this date. Hopefully my annoying and abusive sister doesn't turn up.

Anyway, currently we are sat in the hotel garden, just enjoying the scenery. With the breeze flowing and no noise around it felt peaceful. We laid on the grass with our jackets as the pillows.

"Hey, you look sleepy." Sally said straddling my waist.

"I am. I'm really really tired. It's not even funny." I yawned.

"You're cute." She poked my cheek.


"Hey guys!" I heard Stevie shout from behind us.

"Heyyyyy." I yawned out.

"Someone's tired." Ally giggled.

"Yeah. I might go to bed." I stood up.

"I'll come with you babe." Sally said standing up.

"Actually can you stay?" Stevie asked.

I raised an eyebrow but ignored it, feeling my eyes get heavy. I nodded and started walking back. When I got to my room, I fell onto the bed, refusing to take my clothes off and just fell asleep.



So I told Sally to stay because I gotta talk to her. After the whole thing with Y/N now having sex. I feel like I need to talk to Sally. Ally was standing with me, since we going to bed after.

"So what you wanna talk about?" Sally asked.

"Oh yeah. Well...." Ally dragged on waiting for me to continue.

"The fact you had sex with our underage daughter."

"Excuse you but she agreed." Sally shrugged.

"Really? Doesn't sound like her." Ally said.

"As long as it was a one time thing." Sally's eyes widened.

"What the hell!?" I yelled.

"Sorry. We both agreed again." Sally looked down.

"At least she can't get pregnant." Trust Ally to try and change the topic.

Gosh she's adorable. Wait. Back to Sally.

"Just stop it. I don't want you guys doing it again."

I feel a little over protective but I don't wanna have my daughter doing that at her age. I know that she is a year younger in England but still it's wrong. Sally seems so calm with it all and for some reason it frustrates me.

"Sally all I'm saying is that you should stop. It's not something to be proud of." She looked so mad.

"In what mind set did you think I was proud of it? Yeah maybe your daughter is drop dead gorgeous and I fucking love her, but for once in our lives we both saw pure love and you think I go around pracing about? You gotta check yourself out first. You make it seem like I just use your daughter and since you found out you've done nothing but glare at me. So for once take a fucking seat before coming here and asking me shit you don't know about."

All I heard was the impact of my smack. I didn't even think when I did it.

I just slapped my daughter's girlfriend.

Sally walked off and Ally just stared at me. I can't believe I actually did that. I'm not that violent. I need to sit down.

I walked off to our room and just laid on the bed thinking about everything. Ally had gone to the lobby to go do something and I just stared at the ceiling.

Y/N is gonna kill me.


I know Stevie is not violent but I needed it for drama.


Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora