Chapter 29: In trouble.

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Both our parents loked furious. They both walked into the school with us. Bria, Chrissy and Sally were behind us since Sally was hopping. What happened to her crutches?

We got to reception and the lady from earlier was there. She rolled her eyes at us and pointed to the principals office. Since I have never been in one I didn't know what to expect.

When I walked in a woman about mid 30's was on the phone. She glanced at us and rolled her eyes. She hung up the phone after saying I love you.

"So this is Sally Chambers-Kam, correct?" She asked Sally.

"Yep." Bria just glared at her.

"And you are Y/N Y/M/N Boebi-Hills?" She asked me.

"Yep. Also congrats on saying my name correctly." Stevie groaned and Ally rolled her eyes.

"So Miss Chambers-Kam. Care to explain why I had to send my son to the emergency room? He has a broken nose."

"He called my girlfriend names." She scoffed.

"Doesn't mean you can hit him."

"Yes, but he called her something worse than anything."

"He wouldn't call her anything." She picked up a photo of him.

"HE CALLED HER A DYKE!" She was beyond pissed.

"I guess he was right." She muttered. I heard her clearly.

"Would you like to repeat that?" I asked.

"Repeat what?" She asked innocently.

"What you just muttered."

"All I muttered was that dykes are wrong. Clearly your mom and auntie understand? Correct?" They all looked like they were gonna kill her.

"Lets go. Mom, mum come on." I stood up grabbing their hands.

"Nope im staying here. She doesn't ever call anyone a dyke." They all were about to kill her.

I had to think fast. What do I do to get their attention? Shit. Urghhh...


Thats what I did I left the room and just before Sally looked at me weirdly. I smiled and as I ran, I saw Natasha.

"Hey, Natasha?" I asked.


"Can I have your number to talk to you later?"

"Sure." She had a piece of paper so she wrote it down.

I turned to see Stevie and the rest all coming out of the office looking for me.

"Gotta go. Text you later." I yelled running out.


I ran to the front enterence. Once outside I jumped on the hood of my parents care. I laid on it, making it look like I was sunbathing. I was out there for a good 10 minutes until I heard someone shout my name.

"Y/N Y/M/N Boebi-Hills! What are you doing?" Shit.

"Just chilling mom." I replied.

"Well get off the car and inside it." I scooted off the hood.

I saw Sally smirking as they walked to their car. Bria and Chrissy were holding her like she was arrested. The fuck happened?

I got into the back seat behind the passenger. I didn't wanna see Stevie's face. She is more scarier when she is pissed. She is like a mom that if you cross your most likely gonna get into trouble later for breathing.

"Why did you ring Rose?" Ally asked.

"I didn't." Did I?

"You did. Rose told me someone kept shouting. They rang us as Bria and Chrissy got a call from the school about Sally." The phone call.

"I pulled out my phone and clicked a random contact. When I did it, it must have rang Rose. The worst part was that I had nothing to do with it." I guess it was them.

"So, whats your side of this story?" Stevie asked.

I explained to them what happened. They both started to tell me it wasn't my fault. Which made the urge to cry worse. People keep treating me like a baby. I need to be treated like a teenager, or should I just mess up like one? No they will kill me.

"Y/N. Sally got suspended for 1 week, you got no punishment. Oh and your leaving school." News flash.


"Your leaving school. Im not having you go to a  homophobic school. You and Sally are gonna do online school." Yasssss

"However, Bria and Chrissy said her punishment is that she is grounded for 2 weeks. Which means no seeing her for 2 weeks." Fuck.

"Urghhh.... I wanna see her." I groaned laying back on my seat.

"Sorry babygirl, not our choice." Ally shrugged turning into the complex.

"Fine, but can Natasha come round one day?" They both turned to me.

"Who is Natasha?" Stevie asked.

"A friend."

"Okay. We will see." They are doing that parent thing.

"You guys act like such parents. You guys are even onto the we will see stage. Next thing you know I will ask for something and you will say no. When I ask why you will reply with I said so."

"Hell no. That makes me sound old." Stevie said as Ally laughed.

Ally parked the car and we got out. Right as we got out, I tripped. I fell on the floor as Ally and Stevie bursted into laughter. They help me up while still laughing.

"That hurt." I say rubbing my knee.

"I know. It just looks so funny." They hold my hand as we enter.

When we eventually get into the apartment, after tripping up once more, I flopped onto the couch. Which in general was a bad idea as Noodles climbed on me. I don't mind its just annoying when you face the sofa and they sit on your neck.

"Noodles." I whined.

Blanked. Blanked by a cat. How lucky? I heard a click from behind, it was a video click. I turned to see Stevie on snapchat, im gonna die.

"Mom.... get him off me!" I whined.

"Nope. I will get the other cats." Hell no.

"No thanks. I don't wanna die young. Im still 15, I have alot to live for." Ally walked in.

"Noodles, get off her." Yas!

"Love you mum!" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why?" She is confused.

"Mom said I can't move the cat off me, while she was taking a video. Otherwise she will get the other cats." I jumped up hugging her.

"Come here, follow me." She led me to the balcony door.

"Why? Nothing is out her-" I saw the cats sat in a line at the door.

"I want it." She pointed to a cat.

"Seriously? A new cat comes along and you want it? Wow." I laughed.

"What we laughing about?" Stevie asked.

"Mum wants a new cat." Shs pulled out her phone.

They made a few snapchats of the cat as their cats stood watching.


You were right with Q&A | Acting 101 with Maltese Van de Kamp

So the next one is this a lot harder lyrics:

In the stillness of remembering 


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