Chapter 56: Choose a side.

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"Y/N, please just open the door." 8th time she's asked.

Ally was sat on the opposite side of my door and currently I gave no shits. Her and Stevie were taking turns asking me to open the door.

It all started when I had just finished watching a behind the scenes of Carmilla.


"I'm gonna go grab a drink." I sighed standing up.

Ally and Stevie just sat and I just rolled my eyes. I started pouring a drink out and once I filled the glass I put the drink away and carried my glass.

As I walked in I saw Stevie and Ally looking on my phone. I ran over and grabbed it, sprinting to me room as they called my name. I slammed my door and locked it.

"Y/N! Open the door!" They both were yelling.*

That was yesterday.

I was starting to feel lightheaded so I callasped on my bed. My phone kept pinging and then it rang.


"H-Hello?" I didn't bother looking at the ID.

"Hey baby. What's happening? I heard you haven't left your room." I groaned.

"I'm fine. Leave. Me. Alone." I hung up the phone.

I threw my phone at the wall. It smashed into pieces and I didn't care. I started crying again and then I heard the front door open. I went to investigate but then a note was slipped under my door.


Hey Princess,

Me and Ally have gone shopping to get some food. We see that you won't leave with us there but please go get something to eat. We love you,

Stevie & Ally.*

Sighing I hesitated unlocking the door, I finally did and I looked left and right making sure no one was there. Once I was sure I walked down the stairs.

Checking my surroundings again I walked into the kitchen. There was a sandwich and a drink there. I took them and brought them to my room. I locked my door once more and sat on my bed.

About an hour later, after I have ate, I heard the door go.

"Hey Y/N. We're back!" Ally yelled.

I didn't bother to reply so I just laid on my bed. Closing my eyes I fell asleep in silence.

"Shit." I heard someone mumble from the otherside of the door as they woke me up.

"Stevie she is gonna wake up." Ally whisper yelled.

"How do we even know she is asleep?"
"I assume otherwise she is dead." What?

"Ally don't say that."

"Shit I got the wrong key. Go to the kitchen and grab the other." Shit.

I got to my feet quickly, while trying to be quiet. I scrambled to find clothes and when I did I threw them in my backpack.

Once I had everything I opened my window, seeing a drain pipe next to it I started to climb down. When I got the bottom I ran, I didn't know where but I ran.

I tripped about 4 times as I just got up and kept running. I ran into the woods and just callasped crying against a tree. I cried my eyes out while pulling my knees to my chest and rocking myself.

I hate life.

Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)Where stories live. Discover now