Chapter 60: Alone.

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After I stormed to our room I laid on my bed. I eventually fell asleep to be woken up by the door going. Then I heard their voices.

"Hey Ally!" Cammie.

"Hey Ally." Shannon.

I so wanted to go down and talk to them but I knew Y/N was there. I know I feel like I did what I was suppose to do but maybe I was wrong? No.

I sat in my room going on tumblr and twitter. I watched a few videos as well. I then found myself on Y/N's videos, she has many but one caught my eye.

'Dear Mom and Mum'

I clicked on it, how I never seen it I don't know. It showed me Y/N and she was talking. She explained how she was adopted and even her mom. She cried. This must have been a huge secret from her.

"I wanna say one thing. Without either mum or mom; or Stevie and Ally I would never have survived. My heart will always go out for them. I will love them even if we argue. My heart belongs to them and they are ny family. I might not forget my actual mom but they are the best treatment. They help me so much so now I wanna show you something."

I was crying and once she stopped talking it showed mine and Ally's forst video together. It all led up to the latest moment when we all went out.

The fact she is willing to share her entire story amazes me. I sat and cried once again. I have no idea how long I have been crying but I stop when I hear footsteps. They run past my door and I guess Y/N.

Sighing I went back to sitting on the bed. Not even a second later a note was passed under the door.


Dear Stevie,

I know I currently give of the intention that I dislike you. I could never dislike you. It's just the fact you seem to be assuming I do the worst. I never wanna dissapoint you but you crowd me too much.

The way you helped me when I got attacked, I'm eternaly greatful. I know I act like a brat sometimes, normally it's because I'm excited. My own mind isn't set but you still wait.

When you snapped my heart sank. It fell so far that I've already started searching for it. I'm not comfortable with calling you mom again but it will grow. Hopefully.


I was in tears. The fact she isn't gonna call me mom breaks my heart a little. I opened the door as I heard them all move towards the front door. I opened my door and walked to the top of the staircase. As I stood there Y/N glanced at me then said bye to Ally as she left.

Is she going with Shannon and Cammie?

After she left I stood there, not moving until Ally looked up. She smiled weakly at me and I sighed. Carefully I made my way down and Ally stood with open arms which weirdly I accepted.

She hugged me tightly as I rested my head on her shoulder. She kissed my head and let me inhale her scent. I know we may argue but I just melt in her arms.

"Come on. We'll go to the living room and talk." She muttered.

I reluctantly let go and walked to the living room. Sitting on the couch, Ally fell onto the seat next to me. We cuddled up to eachother and sighed. I never thought anything would come to this.

"So why?" Ally asked breaking the silence.

"I guess I already said." I shrugged.

"In a rant yeah but I wanna know why."

"I guess its because she kinda gwts away with everything. She goes out with Sally and kinda forgets us. I never really thoughr parent hood would be like this. Or is it just her childhood to blame and we need a fresh start?" Ally just stared at me.

"What do you mean?" She looked confused.

"You know what I mean."

Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)Where stories live. Discover now