Chapter 15: Battle Of The Ships

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After a near-death experiance with being tickled I had said sorry and they told me that after Christmas they taking me to to IKEA. I agreed and they also said they gonna paint my room. We all helped dismantle the bed propley and I now have to sleep on the mattress.

"Y/N?" Stevie asked.

"Yeah?" She smirked.

"Whats with this battle of the ships thing?" She pulled her phone out.

She showed me a tweet from all the girls accounts saying Battle of The Ships. I laughed. I then explained it fully to her and she wanted to enter. I agreed and told her to gather everyone in the living room in a hour. That gave everyone chance to run home and get xmas presents and spare clothes. I went to my room and sat with Sally sorting the events out.

The first round was a vote on Twitter for the fans to be invovled. It would be sent after the girls mentioned me in a tweet explaining. Second Round was a baking event. Third was a hunt for a teddy. Which we hid under the sofa. Fouth was write as many Disney films in 3 minutes. Fifth was general knowledge. For that we had 15 questions.

Sally was gonna keep score. Once we told the girls they agreed and I told them to prepare and to come in my room sepretly to be given a hint for the third task. Sally was sat with the girls going through rules again as they all came in. Rose and Rosie were first. However, as the girls came in they could only talk on text incase someone tried to listen.

Me: Hi

They used Rose's phone.

Them: Hi!
Me: So this your hint.
Them: Hold please.
Me: Okay..
Them: We wanna make a deal.
Me: What deal?
Them: You let us win and we buy you something from England.
Me: Tempting.
Them: Y/N don't test us.
Me: You shall see in the game.
Them: Thank you.
Me: Wanna know your clue?
Them: Yes please.
Me: Okay get comfy.
Them: We are whats the hint.
Me: Okay get comfy.
Them: Ohhh thats the clue thanks kid.

Pretty much every team wanted help. Some promised sweets and others things for my room. My favourite was someone said they would get me new clothes from any shop. Sally laughed as I told her and we came up with the winner. One ship didn't bribe us so they automatically win. We were still gonna do every task.

After 10 minutes of explaining it all to Sally, she grabbed my camara and started to film. I smiled at her dorkiness, as she pulled faces.

"Hi guys, you probably all ready know about the Battle Of The Ships on twitter so I have my beautiful girlfriend filming it. So the first challenge is voting, however each ship uses only one phone and each has to vote annomously for one other team. They also cannot ask for votes. If caught picking their own. They have automatic loss, even if they win." We moved to Ally's computer were my twitter was set up.

"So here we go." Sally stated.

I wrote the tweet and a few people voted. Then I got a notification. Stevie had tweeted.

@Sassibob: Go vote for the best ship out of the LA fav leabians. JK. But seriously go vote. Go to @Y/N00001

Then the others did the same. I pulled onto my page and I had new followers awsome. I laughed as Stally and Shacam were tied. I then felt someone get close to my ear.

"Babe? Go on Ally's page." She husked.

Sally continued recording as I entered Ally's page. I had to make sure they didn't cheat. I saw Ally's tweet.

Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)Where stories live. Discover now