Chapter 38: The talk...

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Here I am once again, at Waffle House. Its one of those places that are weirdly welcoming. Anyway, Sally is dragging me here so we can talk.

I missed her so much. Her eyes, her hair, her lips, actually just her. She means so much and I can't believe our parents got in the way. We love them but they can't dictate our relationship. Its like us getting involved in their relationship. God forbid anything happens to Brissy or Stally. There would be a murder seen.
Anyway, back to the beautiful girl sat next to me. She was talking about her holiday with her dad, I think? I don't know. Shit.

" thats how I got this scar." She pointed to her knee.

I nodded and she giggled.

"You didn't listen did you?" She giggled.

"No, sorry I was thinking." I blushed.

"About?" She looked at me.

"You and your beauty." She blushed.


"Because I can." I poked her cheek.

"As much as I love talking about how adorable I am" She did a hair flip. "We need to talk about you know."

I knew this was coming.

"Okay, you want me to go first?"


"Well, your moms and Stevie came to me and said you spend way too much time with me. They wanted you to spend time with kids your age and not me. I kinda over thought it all and then I ended it with you. Ally didn't look too thrilled with it."

"I know, my moms wanted me to talk with them but I had a headache then you rang me."

"After we ended the phone call I kinda punched my bedroom wall and trashed everything."

"Yeah, I saw."

"I know, sorry. What happened with Nat?"

"She came over trying to cheer me up then she kissed me. She explained after how she wanted to try it."

"Im still not on good terms with her."

"You will be soon. You just gotta stop jumping to conclusions okay?"


I leaned in and pecked her nose, she scrunched it in a cute way. I giggled and she kissed my cheek.

"Y/N? We back to normal yet? Like will you be my girlfriend again?" She was nervous.

"Only if you promise not to jump to conclusions. Oh and you have to text me everyday okay?"

"YES!" She yelled a little too loudly.

"Come here dork."

I cupped her cheeks and kissed her passionatly. Never wanting to pull back till I heard someone cough behind us. I furrowed my eyebrows as Sally gave someone a death glare.

"Go away." Sally growled.

"Why would I do that babygirl?" Seriously who the fuck?

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Sally stood up.

I turned my head, meeting a tall boy with blue eyes and brown hair. He smirked at Sally then gave me a foul look. Who on Earth is this guy?

"Excuse me, but who are you?" I asked.

"Her boyfriend."

Hold up.

"WHAT!?" I slid out of me seat and stood up.

"Y/N, no he's my ex." She tried to calm me.

"Im not babygirl, remember." He put his arm around her shoulders.

My blood was boiling. Sally looked shocked by it all. I guess I should believe her. What can I do to get rid of him tho? Like seriously? I have a fucking genius/ revolting idea.

I winked at Sally and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Hey, I didn't catch your name." I said.

"James." He smirked at me.

"Well James thats a nice strong name for a nice strong boy." I rubbed his arm trying to be flirty.

"Yeah, I er, I'm strong. You should see what else I got." He winked at me.

Grossed out.
Wanna vomit.

"Did you like the show earlier?" He looked confused and Sally looked shocked at me.

"What show?"

"The one where I kissed your sexy girlfriend. I bet you loved it." I stood too close to him.

"I did alot."

"Well, if you meet us outside the park gates at 8 tonight then maybe all three of us will have fun." I winked.

I swear I heard him squeal a little.

"Sure hottie. Babe, bring your sexy friend aswell." He kissed her cheek and left.

"Im gonna be sick." I said to her.

"Me too. Why?"

"He wanted some so maybe the cops will give him some."

"Babe, you're a weird girl." She kissed my cheek.

"Excuse you, Miss I wanna dye my hair again. By the way, what colour/color?"


"Why? Purple?"

"Purple is amazing and the red is not doing it for me right now."

"Aslong as Brissy agree then I'm fine with it."

"Aw shit. I forgot to ask. Normally I just dyed it then father found out."

"Better get your cute ass home and find out."



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