Chapter 68: News Report

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Currently obsessed with this video.


We got back to Bria and Chrissy's with a crying Sally. I'm on edge and Brissy decide to lock all doors and windows for our safety. Sally was on the sofa, not moving.

Bria had taken both our phones, keeping us off social media. I walked in the kitchen with Sally. She needed something to eat, she hadn't ate at all today. Judging by her silence I guessed she didn't are.

I made her a chicken sandwich, handing it to her she gave a small smile. Like how is she suppose to feel? I mean her father is back an-

"Y/N. Please come in here." Chrissy called.

I pulled Sally with me and we sat next to eachother. I looked up at Bria and Chrissy. Bria was biting her lip trying so hard not to cry. Chrissy was in tears. This grows my concern even more.

"What's happened?" I asked.

Bria took a shakey breath then started talking.

"You remember when we were driving and the ambulance and police drove past?" I nodded.

"They went to your house. Stevie and Ally were attacked. Stevie has multiple bruising but thats it. However, Ally. She er- she has been taken to hospital as she has multiple bruises. She has a broken wrist, 3 smashed ribs. They need to keep her in there. Police officers are staying with them for protection." I'm crying my eyes out.

Sally pulled me on her lap. What is happening in this world? Sally's father, now my parents. I'm so fucking done. He needs to fucking die. I honestly don't care if she thinks anything else. He hurt her and he needs hurting.

"We have to put on the TV." Bria stated.

I didn't look at the TV and I decided to just lay my head in her neck. She rubbed my back. The news reporter started talking about something.

"The police have told us to give an offical report on the Sally Chambers-Kam case. The young girl has previously been abused by her father, with multiple accounts of physical abuse." Sally relised a shakey breath.

"You didn't fully tell me did you?" I asked.

"I didn't want to worry you." I shook my head.

"Babygirl, you can tell me anything, I will support you one hundred and ten percent." She nods.

"Thats not all. He did something else. He hu-" The reporter took my attention.

"James was also on trail for suspision on killing his wife, Sally's mother." I went wide eyed.

She nodded.

"I was about to tell you."

I moved on her straddling her lap. I kissed her carefully as her tears fell. She was so broken. Why did he do that!?

"The where abouts of both Sally and James are unknown. The young girls girlfriend, Y/N Y/M/N Boebi-Hills, is still reported safe. With her where abouts also private. We hope she is with Sally and keeping her safe. Y/N's parents also are in hospital we all at this news station with them the best."

I smiled, people do care. Sally was still crying and I just kept kissing her and telling her its okay.

"News just in. James has just left a letter for his daughter. We were told to read this, so Sally, Y/N if you are listening. We are deeply sorry but we hope it gets better." They began reading.

"Dear Sally,

I know you're not currently here. I saw you leave in that car with your little 'girlfriend' and 'parents'. I just wanted to let you know that her parents are gonna be in hospital for a while. Especially the smaller one. Man she put up a fight. She lost, as you can tell.

So now, if you do not turn up to our spot. You remember which one, I will go after your girlfriend. I seen her bedroom, its full of photos of you and her. I gotta say, she is pretty ugly.

Anyway, I may not know where you live now but I know she will come home eventually. She will visit her parents. So, I suggest you turn up for her benefit.

So, turn up of worse is to happen. And turn up ALONE. If you do not I will kill everyone there.

Your father."

His words make me cringe. First of 'girlfriend' what the hell does that mean!? The smaller one has a name bitch. Its Ally. Then bitch, try and touch me. After that I'm not ugly unlike his piece of shit of a face.

If he wants me to visit my parents. I won't as much as it will hurt. They are safe there and I'm safe here. Plus who is he to state what I can and can't do.

Sally was shaking. I just hugged her. She took a deep breath and said the words I dreaded.

"I'm going." Like hell she is.

Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें