Chapter 24: Warning: crying.

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Its been a full day and I have ignored Sally. I couldn't face it. I haven't told Stally but I think they know, due to the fact Sally apprently explained what happened. Im just sat in my room thinking. Tomorrow is New Years Eve. Im not gonna have any tears for the 23rd. I normally go to her grave, but since the accident my parents are highly protective.

"Y/N, babygirl its time for dinner." Ally called.

"Okay." I muttered.

I got up from my bed and switched off my depressing playlist, on my laptop. I put it on charge then left my room. When I entered I was met with Rose and Rosie. They gave a sympty smile. I gave them a slight smile since it isn't their fault.

"Hey princess, foods in the kitchen." I nodded then walked to the kitchen.

I walked slowly, I haven't interacted with anyone and I plan to leave it that way until February. January was the most depressing month out of them all and I spent the majority of it alone. Since the incident January was my independent month.

I went to the kitchen and in there stood Sally. I just blanked her and grabbed my food. I made slight eye contact, it killed me to see her in pain. I had to ignore it. Stevie had made pasta, so I grabbed a fork from the draw next to Sally. I hear her let out a sad sigh.

Its killing me!

I go to our couch and eat my food. I ignore them, when they ask me questions. I finish my food and go to my room. I leave my bowl there, as Stevie scolds me for leaving my bowl in the living room. As usual I blank her and go to my bed. I lock the door by placing a chair infront. Im alone and no one is gonna disturbed me.

I sit listening to music when Hello plays. Why is Adele so sad? I listen to it. At the end of it, it goes silent. I wait for the next song to play when I hear a ear piercing scream from outside the apartment, but still in the building.

For some reason I race out of bed and unlock my door. I burst through the open front door and see Rose and Rosie stood at the top of the stairs on the phone. I panic and run towards them, as I do Rose runs towards me.

I start to feel like something, or someone is missing. I speed into Rose's arms and she gets a grip on me. I scream for her to let go as I hear a ambulance fast approch. My gut is telling me to stay but my mind and heart are wanting me to run and see. I choose my mind and heart.

I start to squirm in Rose's arms, she loses her grip and I slip out.

"Y/N! NO!" I turn the corner to face the stairs.

My heart has dropped.


"No, no, no, no!" I scream racing down the stairs.

"Y/N! GO BACK!" Rosie yells at me.

I get to the bottom of the stairs and my parents look at me. I look at them then at Sally. No, this can't be real. Im just gonna wake up and this is a dream. Please say it is. Please.

It isn't.

The paramedics come racing in as Bria and Chrissy also run along side. I fall to the ground. I can't. I can't do it alone. I hate JANUARY!


Im beyond scared, yet angry. I grab Sally's hand as I feel her twitch her finger. If by instinct I kiss her lips. The paramedics are checking out her left leg as I sit on her right side. She squeezes my hand really lightly.

Her green eyes open. She has tears and I kiss her once more.

"Y/N?" Her voice cracks.

"Im here Sally, see its me. You gonna go to the hospital, your gonna be okay. See your gonna get patched up then we can do soccer?" I laugh.

I don't know whether I made the joke to calm her or myself.

"Yeah, id like that. I want you to know I love you." I smile.

"I love you with all my heart, I would never give you up. I can stand here until the day I die. Once I do, I will wait for you there. I don't ever want you to leave me. You need me and I need you just as much. You are going to hospital, they gonna fix your leg and then after a few weeks me and you are getting a soccer ball. We gonna grow old and name our children the most funniest things. I will love you until the sun is out of fire. I love you." Im crying as the paramedics talk to Brissy.

"Babe, I love you too, but the sun is fading to me." Those words broke my heart.

"No, no those lights are not fading, your imagining it." I cry as the paramedics lift her onto stretcher.

My hand was still in hers.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." I kissed her one last time.

She went out of the apartment complex and into a ambulance. My one true love has gone. I have nothing left. I was a bitch to her, look where it led me. I break down onto the floor and cry.

"Hey, Y/N. She is gonna be okay." Ally said pulling me onto her lap.

"No, its not." I mumble into her chest as my eyes got heavy.

I fell asleep in my own tears.

Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)Where stories live. Discover now